Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on Tuesday February 7th 2017 at 19:00
Present: Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman), Cllr Mrs S Upton (Vice Chairman), Cllrs A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker OCC C. Cllr G Reynolds, CDC D. Cllr K Atack
Apologies: Cllr T Sowler [urgent private business]
Declarations of Interest: None
Public Participation: Two members of the public were in attendance. The chairman suspended standing orders at 19:30, the expected start time, to invite the two members of the public who had by then arrived to speak if they wished.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting (January 2017) were received, APPROVED and signed.
Minute ref Item Delegated to
1702.01. Footpaths – Progress Report
1702-01.34 The footpath warden had advised that he was unable to make his usual path inspections at this time. Information
1702-01.35 The Clerk advised that he reminded C&RT of their promise to undertake a survey of the canal towpath footpath, and they had commented that it had been delayed. The Clerk will continue to follow this up. Clerk
1702-02 Highways & Road defects – Progress Report
1702-02.36 Cllr Mrs Upton advised that, some potholes have been marked up ahead of the time of the survey, but that most had not been identified. She has contacted OCC and is awaiting a call back. Cllr Mrs Upton
1702-02.37 The drain cover opposite the Church has had its warning cone removed and C. Cllr Reynolds advised that he had been told that OCC would make it safe. It will be inspected this week by Cllrs to see what has been done. Cllr Mrs Upton
1702-03 Village benches – Progress Report
1702-03.38 The Chairman advised that she had managed to contact Paul Howells regarding the village benches refurbishment. He will send an invoice for payment for work carried out so far, and complete security on that. It was unclear how keen he is to continue with the project. Information
1702-03.39 Cllrs commented that there were a small number of jobs around the village that needed doing and with a lack of volunteers, it seemed sensible to look for another person/handyman who could undertake such tasks. It was PROPOSED that contact be made with Mike Boscot of MB Landscapes who have done good work locally and are reliable. Cllr Mrs Upton
1702-04 Defibrillators – Progress Report
1702-04.40 Great Bourton – inspection completed OK Information
1702-04.41 Little Bourton – inspection completed OK. Information
1702-04.42 The Clerk advised that he had received the draft adoption contract from BT Payphones in respect of the LB kiosk and this was passed to the Chairman for consideration. This requires a cheque be raised for the sum of £1.00 which was APPROVED. The Clerk also confirmed that he was awaiting a response from WEL Medical confirming that the defibrillator cabinet met the standards required by BT for connection to their power supply, before the contract was signed. Clerk
1702-04.43 The Council was advised by a member of the public that a sale of The Plough in LB was nearing completion, and it was RESOLVED that we would still proceed with the adoption of the former phone kiosk as the permanent home of the defibrillator. Information
1702-04.44 Cllrs discussed whether adoption of the former phone kiosk in GB as a permanent home for the defibrillator would be a good idea. The offer of this opportunity is time limited. It was RESOLVED that this would be investigated. Clerk
1702-05 Website development – Progress Report
1702-05.45 The website was reported to now be running smoothly. A number of ‘hackers’ attempts had been intercepted by the software and these had been rebuffed, including ones from Russia and US. Information
1702-05.46 It was felt to be unreasonably onerous that only Cllr Mrs Upton was able to upload to the website and it was RESOLVED that both the Chairman and Clerk would be trained in this task. Cllr Mrs Upton
1702-06 Garners Field development – Progress Report
1702-06.47 Cllr Mrs Upton provided a summary of the PC position on the development. Information
1702-06.48 The Council had submitted its formal response to the Planning Application stating that “it supported in principle but wanted a reduced number of houses”. This is in line with expressed village opinion. The Chairman explained that the response had been carefully drafted to address as many village comments as possible. The Council still feels that a small development accepted now may reduce the pressure for accepting future applications, and can be a benefit to the village by the introduction of new residents. Working with a collaborative smaller developer was also felt to be beneficial. The full text of the parish council response may be viewed on the website and the CDC Planning Portal. Information
1702-06.49 Hayfield Homes [HH] had met with Cllrs to discuss the final changes incorporated in the application and had explained that they had tried to include features designed to address resident concerns identified by the survey and comment at their presentation. This was welcomed by the Council. Information
1702-06.50 HH had thought about how to respond to village concerns about the potential running costs of the proposed new Community Hall and made an offer of a contribution towards such costs for the first 3 years, of £5k pa. They assumed that this would be acceptable to the Council and they had written to the Planning Officer requesting it be included in the s106 agreement currently being drafted. Information
1701-06.51 HH had been advised that the Planning Officer’s report would be finalised on February 8th and that it ws intended that the application be presented at the Planning Committee on February 16th. Information
1702-07 Playgrounds & Public Spaces
1702-07.52 Great Bourton: Inspection completed OK. Information
1702-07.53 Little Bourton: Inspection completed OK. Information
1702-07.54 The dog bin in LB still requires attention and Cllr Walker will assist Cllr Upton with this. Cllrs Upton & Walker
1702-07.55 An analysis of the 3 quotes received had been circulated and it was RESOLVED that the quote of Mr P Bradley be accepted. Work will start immediately. Information
1702-07.56 A quote from Mr S Parry is still awaited and will be chased up. If no prompt response is received then MB Landscapes will be approached. Cllr Mrs Upton
1702-08 Allotments
1702-08.57 An inspection of the Claridges Piece site had been undertaken by the Chairman, Clerk and Mr Hall in January and had confirmed that the Council was satisfied that the completion obligations had been satisfactorily finished. The Clerk was instructed to confirm to our solicitors that completion on the new site could take place, but that completion on the Stonepits site must be delayed until end March to allow tenants time to move their plants etc to their new plots. Information
1702-08.58 Unfortunately Mr Hall’s solicitors have advised him that completion should be simultaneous on both sites, both delayed, which is not acceptable to us, confirmed by our Solicitors. Negotiations are continuing to remove this latest barrier to formal completion. It is hoped that this will be successful on the return of Mr Hall from holiday. The Council is frustrated at this latest delay and understands tenants views clearly and will work towards a rapid legal resolution. Chairman & Clerk
1702-09 Public transport
1702-09.59 The North Oxon Cluster of Parish Councils [The Bourtons; Cropredy, Claydon; Mollington & Wardington] met with a representative of County Connect to consider the feasibility of them providing a service. Revised costs were presented to each Council based on forecast passenger numbers. This will produce an estimated fixed cost for our Council of £700pa. Individual passengers will then be required to register with County Connect and can then book a collection. Passengers will be charged a fare or can use their bus pass. It was RESOLVED that the Council will fund the fixed cost for a trial period of 1 year. Following this usage will be assessed and a decision taken whether to continue. Details about the service will be communicated to all villagers once they have been finalised. Wardington observed but due to the availability of the continuing Daventry bus service will probably not participate, but will be kept informed. Information
1702-09.60 A Johnsons bus service has been observed operating locally and the possibility of this providing a service will be investigated. Cllr Mrs Upton
1702-50 Finance & Administration
1702-50.61 The Clerk presented the January financial statement and this was APPROVED. Information
1702-50.62 Payments totalling £ 686.10 were APPROVED. Information
1702-60 Planning applications
1702-60.63 There were no new planning applications for consideration. Information
1702-60.64 The process for responding to planning applications was discussed. The Clerk is to draw up a summary of council policy and present this for further discussion. Information
1702-60.65 Confirmation has been received that the Garners Field application 16/01979/F will be taken to the CDC Planning Committee on February 16th. Information
1702-70 Correspondence
1702-70.66 Email from OCC Highways advising of urgent tree work on roadside trees for which they are responsible has been responded to by the Clerk, who reported that the email was advisory and that as OCC is legally responsible for the safety of highways and the public the work cannot be challenged. 4 trees require felling and notices have been placed on them by OCC. The work will be done immediately by their contractor. Replanting will be undertaken by OCC but due to budget cuts they cannot confirm when. It was RESOLVED that the Council will consider undertaking replanting ourselves in consultation with local residents in the vicinity of the individual trees. OCC made clear in their email that that all liability for those trees would be devolved to the parish council. Chairman
1702-70.67 The latest version of the Electoral Register has been received and will be reviewed by Councillors as it is believed there are some errors. These will be collated and be reported back to CDC. Clerk
1702-70.68 Email received from CDC advising the that annual Spring Clean will taken place again in March. It was RESOLVED that the Council will focus on completing the Bourtons Spring Clean in week commencing 04/03/17 to pick up litter before nettles and grass grow tall on the verges. Residents are encouraged to demonstrate their support for this initiative by volunteering to assist in the Spring Clean. An announcement will be made in the Broadsheet to this effect. Information
1702-80 New business
1702-80.69 The latest bus timetables reflecting the much reduced service have been checked and the clear table that appeared in the February edition of the Broadsheet verified. This will be fixed to relevant bus stops. A letter will be sent to Stagecoach Midlands asking that they remove their old timetables as these are confusing to residents and visitors and cannot be removed by us without the appropriate key. Clerk
1702-80.70 The latest version of the Risk Assessment was reviewed and was APPROVED. Information
1702-80.71 Village Hall boiler replacement. It has been confirmed that parts cannot be obtained to repair the existing boiler. 3 quotes are being obtained as a matter of urgency in conjunction with the Village Hall Management Committee. The Council has confirmed to the VHMC that it will provide funds for this project and discussions continue regarding the exact process to be followed. The Council are also exploring costs of alternative electric heating. Clerk
1702-80.72 A document entitled “The Big Consultation” has been received from the Oxfordshire Consulting Group regarding their proposals for the reorganisation of local health service with a request for feedback. A link to the document will be put onto the village website. Due to a legal challenge there is some doubt about the status of the Consultation and this will be confirmed. Cllr Andrew Johnson, a retired medical consultant himself will lead for the Council on this matter. This will be reviewed and our response considered. Mr Peter Fisher, a former local medical consultant heavily involved with the Horton Hospital has offered to speak at a public meeting and this will be discussed at the next North Oxon Parish Cluster Group meeting with a view to arranging this. Cllr A Johnson Cllr Mrs Upton
1702-80.73 A document entitled “One Oxfordshire” has been circulated by OCC making the case for the creation of a single Unitary Authority for the whole of Oxfordshire which would see the dissolution of all District and the City Councils to be replaced by a single authority based in Oxford. Consultation is now open and a link to the document will be put on the village website. Your Council wishes to respond to this and residents are encouraged to make their views known via the village website. Cllr Mrs Upton
1702-90 District & County Councillors report
1702-90.74 D.Cllr Atack confirmed that he would be standing in for C. Cllr Reynolds due to his absence on holiday, especially at Planning Committee meetings, and was keen to get a mandate from the PC. He was monitoring the comments being sent to CDC, reviewing their planning portal regularly. Information
1702-90.75 D.Cllr Atack confirmed that CDC Council Tax would not rise in the coming year, for the 6th successive year as they had managed to balance their budget by careful spending, and significant cost saving measures achieved by their integration with South Northamptonshire DC. He also advised that this was potentially at risk if the current proposal being supported by OCC to create One Oxfordshire as a unitary authority were to succeed. Information
Date of next meeting: Tuesday March 7th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall
Meeting closed at 21.00hrs
Minutes issued by the Clerk on 08/02/17