The Society is currently in its twenty fourth season and meets every third Wednesday from September to June each year at 7.30pm in Great Bourton Village Hall, for about two hours including a break for refreshments.
For more information about the Society, please phone our Secretary on 758519 or our Chairman on 750596
Music Society
The Society is for anyone who enjoys listening to Hi-Fi quality recorded music and the occasional live performances, in the congenial company of others. Members are currently drawn from the Bourtons, Hornton and Daventry.
Members usually bring a piece of recorded music on CD, Tape or Vinyl, or in the form of music and video on DVD for projection onto a large screen, but if you just prefer to come and listen to the evening’s selection of music that is fine – you do not need to bring any music. If you look at our current season’s programme you will see that evenings are usually set around a theme of some sort, for which members trawl their music collections to find a “fit”. This ensures that every presentation covers a wide range of musical types – there’s bound to be something to match your taste in music!
If you are interested but not sure if this is quite your cup of tea, please do give us a try – come along to any of the events, you do not have to join until you are convinced it is what you would enjoy.
HERE is the new programme for this year.