The draft Cherwell Local plan review documents have just been made public.
The final version will be presented to the Executive at its December meeting and then out to consultation for 8 weeks over the Christmas period.
Cherwell District Council are holding their next Parish Liaison meeting on the 6th November, contact for details.
The Plan has three key themes:
Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change and Ensuring Sustainable Development;
Maintaining and Developing a Sustainable Local Economy and
Building Healthy and Sustainable Communities.
Our places
The plan has policies for it key areas:
- Banbury Area
- Bicester Area
- Kidlington Area
- Heyford Park Area
- Rural Areas
The plan retains the focus of development on Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington.
It also details where the additional housing mandated by the Government will go.
For the rural areas, Policy Villages 2 and the categorisation of villages has been reworked.
What’s the benefit?
An up to date Local Plan is important for a plan led approach to decision making and contributing to the achievement of sustainable development.
This draft Plan has been informed by three formal public consultations, continuous engagement and cooperation and evidence gathering.
What happens next?
The comments from 12th November Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be taken into account by the Executive at its meeting on 2 December 2024.
It will then go out to “Regulation 19” consultation.
The proposed Local Plan has been prepared to comply with primary and secondary legislation for plan making.
Upon later submission of the Plan for Examination, its legal compliance would be considered by an independent Planning Inspector in early 2025.
How do I comment on this?
As soon as public consultation opens we will be in touch with the final version and how to comment.
This is the link to Local plan review main documents and maps of the proposed additional sites is here.
Alternatively, you can get to the whole report pack and associated documents via the Cherwell Website and look at the 12th November Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting documents.