At its meeting on 4 September 2023, the Council’s Executive approved the draft Cherwell Local Plan Review 2040 for public consultation (as amended by the agreed changes).
The public consultation will commence on Friday 22 September 2023 for a period of 6 weeks. The consultation will close on 3 November 2023.
During the consultation key documents will be available to view at Bodicote House and libraries across the District. All documents will also be available on the Council’s website and its Citizen’s Space consultation platform.
Each town/parish council has also been sent a copy of the draft Local Plan, together with some publicity material.
In addition to the public exhibitions, CDC will be holding workshops for town and parish councils to discuss the draft local plan. Invitations to these will be sent shortly once dates and timings have been set.
Further information is in the public notice HERE.
Residents are invited to make their own comments on the draft plan directly to CDC and/or to the Bourtons Parish Council.