A note for residents who have contacted the council regarding the latest planning application 20/02060/F The Stables, GB: please note this application will be discussed at our September parish council meeting. Residents should note that the deadline for comments to the planning department is September 7th. Residents who wish to make comments regarding this planning app 20/02060/F or the planning application for Crockwell Farm Barns 20/01730/LB & 20/01902/Q56 can do so at the following links:
and https://planningregister.cherwell.gov.uk/Planning/Display/20/01730/LB and
https://planningregister.cherwell.gov.uk/Planning/Display/20/01902/Q56 respectively
If you wish to attend the virtual parish council meeting public session on September 8th, please e-mail clerk@bourtons-cherwell-pc.gov.uk to request joining instructions. If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to raise any issues with the Parish council about these or any other topic, please email the clerk. You can see the September agenda here.