Annual General Meeting of The Bourtons Parish Council
held at the Village Hall on Tuesday May 14th 2019 at 19:30
- Present : Chairman Cllr Ms Sally Leszczynski, Cllrs Andrew Johnson, Clive Upton, Ms Sue Upton, Dan Walker; and Stephen Bowen, Parish Clerk.
- There were no members of the public in attendance.
- Apologies : none.
- The Clerk had previously circulated new forms for all councillors to renew their Registrations of Interests, and for these to be filed. CDC would be notified of any material changes. Forms were received from Cllrs Leszczynski & Johnson. Forms are awaited from Cllrs Mrs Upton and Cllr Walker. Cllr Mrs Upton will provide a blank from to Cllr C Upton due to him experiencing printer problems. All forms should be returned to the Clerk before the end of May.
- The Chairman was re-elected unopposed having been proposed by Cllr Johnson and seconded by Cllr Clive Upton.
- Cllr Mrs Sue Upton was proposed for the office of Vice Chairman by Cllr Mrs Leszczynski and seconded by Cllr Johnson and was duly elected.
The newly elected Chairman indicated that she would like to retire from the office of Chairman, perhaps at the end of the coming Council year, when elections are scheduled.
The Chairman duly signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The minutes of the previous AGM were received and APPROVED by all Cllrs and signed.
The meeting closed at 19:42.
Stephen M Bowen
Clerk to the Council
The Bourtons Parish Council