Great & Little Bourton, Oxfordshire
Minutes of Annual Parish Residents Meeting
Held on Tuesday April 9th 2019 at The Village Hall, Great Bourton
In attendance : Cllrs Mrs S Leszczynski, A Johnson, C Upton, D Drummond, S Bowen – Parish Clerk,
Presenter : Mr Chris Kay, Chairman Board of Governors from Cropredy Primary School
Members of the public : There were 6 members of the public present
Apologies : Cllr Mrs S Upton (holiday), Cllr Dan Walker (personal), DCllr P Chapman (business)
- The Chairman of the Parish Council welcomed all to the meeting and explained that this was not a Parish Council meeting, but was called on behalf of all residents to facilitate them expressing their views on topics of their choosing. She then presented her annual report of village activities, making particular reference to:
- The long awaited replacement of former Cllr T Sowler who has been replaced by Cllr Dave Drummond who was welcomed to the Council.
- Planning applications and Enforcement matters : while a number of significant applications had been received during the year relating to the large housing developments just outside the Parish boundary, the Chairman explained that the Council’s influence in such applications was severely limited, there had been rather fewer than usual applications within the Parish.
- After many years of limited progress with a number of Enforcement matters, progress was finally being seen, this followed a presentation to Council last year by 2 senior leaders of the Planning Enforcement team. Unfortunately the Chief Executive of CDC had to be involved before progress had been made but action was now anticipated in the coming weeks. The Chairman assured the meeting that the PC will continue to press for compliance with approved planning permission.
- The new Bourtons Community Hall is nearing completion and a handover event is being organised by Hayfield Homes to be followed by an official opening later on in the summer. Further details to follow.
- A question had been raised by a resident regarding the future of the existing Village Hall and while this will continue to function as currently in the short term, its long term future will be open to much wider consultation with village residents once the options have been investigated with the District Council.
- Vehicle speeding down Main Street was again raised as a concern. This has previously been investigated and a traffic survey was completed that did not provide sufficient evidence to encourage OCC Highways to take any further action. A locally managed and run Community Speedwatch campaign was proposed but there was no residential support for this.
- Financially the Council has had a successful year and our 2018/19 internal audit report has confirmed that “Overall, the Council has sound arrangements in place to satisfy itself that its systems of internal financial control are both adequate and effective. There are approval and authorisation controls and there is a clear audit and management trail for financial transactions”. The Chairman expressed the Council’s thanks to the RFO/Clerk for his efforts in this regard.
- The Chairman of the Cropredy School Board of Governors then presented his report and circulated copies of the School brochure. He commented :
- The school roll currently has a number of vacancies and the Governors are working to ensure the School is widely publicised, citing its good Ofsted rating and attractive curriculum. Assessment of children’s performance in academic subject in 2018 had shown considerable improvement over the previous two years and staff had worked effectively to achieve this.
- Nearly 50% of pupils come from outside the catchment area, with many from Banbury. With the opening of the new Hanwell View School these efforts will continue to ensure we retain a local school with strong financials well able to deliver excellent education.
- The School has recently received significant s106 development funding resulting from the Garners Field housing and discussions are ongoing with OCC to determine the best use of this, most likely to be improved facilities.
- The Head Teacher was currently on leave of absence and OCC and the Diocese had both been very supportive in providing locum teachers in her absence and would continue to do so pending her return.
- Cllr Andrew Johnson presented the Cropredy Surgery report and highlighted :
- The appointment of a new Practice Manager
- The retirement of Dr Wright, and that Dr Tucker is now the sole partner. The search continues to appoint a successor to Dr Wright and to appoint a replacement for Dr Haing who leaves in the summer.
- The Chairman reported that the new Allotments on Foxden Way had been fully tenanted for the year and we had a waiting list of 2.
- The Garners Field development is nearing completion with the site expected to be finished by the middle of the year. All of the social housing has now been passed to the Housing Association and a majority of the retail house were sold with many occupied. The Chairman welcomed a resident of the new development to the meeting and assured her fellow new residents the The Bourtons looked forward to them participating in village activities in the future.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm.
Minutes drafted by Stephen M Bowen, Clerk to the Parish Council on 10/04/2019