DRAFT Minutes of the VIRTUAL meeting held online on Wednesday March 10th 2021 at 19:30 | ||
Note : The Local Authorities & Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority & Police & Crime Panel Meetings) (England & Wales) Regulations 2020 allowed Parish Councils to convene their meetings virtually online. | ||
In attendance online : Cllrs Mrs S Upton (Chairman), Cllrs A Johnson; D Drummond, Mrs King, Mrs Duckworth & S Bowen (Clerk), DCllr P Chapman Apologies : CCllr G Reynolds [Council business] | ||
Declarations of Interest : None | ||
Public Participation : NO members of the public joined the meeting virtually. | ||
Minutes : The previous Council meeting (February) minutes were received and APPROVED. | ||
Minute ref | Item | Delegated to |
2103-00 | Co-option of a new Councillor | |
2103-00.245 | Following an interview with Gilly Duckworth last month, Councillors unanimously RESOLVED to co-opt Mrs Duckworth onto the Council with immediate effect. The Chairman welcomed her on behalf of all Cllrs. | Information |
2103-01 | Footpaths – Progress Report | |
2103-01.246 | The Clerk reported he had received an acknowledgement of the report of water issues on Stanwell Lane affecting the footpath, from Beth Rutherford, OCC RoW Officer, who advised that there was a significant backlog of repairs caused by staff issues and Covid, but they would hope to attend to the problems later in the year. | Information |
2103-02 | Highways & Road defects – Progress Report | |
2103-02.247 | The Chairman reported that she had met with the CDC Highways inspector who advised that Thames Water had rejected OCC’s request to have the drain cover in Manor Lane lowered to remove the hazard. OCC will now undertake a temporary repair and pursue TW to provide a long term solution. | Information |
2103-02.248 | A number of dangerous potholes have now been marked-up for urgent repair. | Information |
2103-02.249 | Speeding signs previously ordered have been chased again but difficulties being experienced with OCC warehouse. | Information |
2103-04 | Defibrillators – Progress Report | |
2103-04.250 | The GB unit condensation problem has been resolved and is in working order. The LB unit is also good but Cllr Drummond noted that the location marking has become obliterated and action is required to correct this. | Clerk |
2103-05 | Website development – Progress Report. | |
2103-05.251 | Chairman has discussed website software update with K C Graphics [our provider] and agreed that they will proceed to update to the latest version of the operating software; the Clerk will manage the updates to the “Council” pages to ensure compliance with the Transparency Code, and the Chairman will manage the village pages. | Clerk & Chairman |
2103-06 | Projects : Garners Field | |
2103-06.252 | Cllr King confirmed that initial work to resolve roof leaks on houses with chimneys has been completed and she understands that only 1 house is proceeding to have the chimney removed, to be completed later in the year. | Information |
Projects : Clock & dial restoration | ||
2103-06.253 | Request received from PCC regarding the need to replace the Clock bell hammer & spring. This will be investigated and the costs investigated. | Clerk |
2103-07 | Playgrounds & Public Spaces | |
2103-07.254 | Cllr King provided a report of her inspection of the GB playground and noted that there is damage to the play table top. Repair to be investigated. She also reported that the wooden play equipment would benefit from treatment with a wood preservative to smarten it up. Investigations with the manufacturer to understand suitable materials prior to work being completed. Hedges need to be cut back to prevent interference with equipment. | Clerk Cllr King |
2103-07.255 | LB playground is now without inspector since the resignation of our former Chairman. Cllr Duckworth will assess what is needed and confirm her involvement at the next meeting. Information to be provided. | Clerk Cllr Duckworth |
2103-07.256 | The matter of creating a gravel path from the car park area to the bottom of the Burial Ground, proposed by Mr David Upton, the BG Warden was considered and Council agreed to await the estimate of costs to be prepared by Mr Upton, when it will authorise a budget to enable the works. | Clerk |
2103-08 | Allotments: | |
2103-08.257 | Tenant of Plot 21 still not vacated plot. Phone contact to be made to encourage prompt release of plot. A further plot has also become available following the relocation out of the village by the tenant and contact to be made to understand release date. | Clerk |
2103-08.258 | The tenancy agreement is to be reviewed to tighten up the rules re resignation of plots and period of time to vacate; applications for new plots will only be accepted from Parish residents for the foreseeable future, at least until the wait list has substantially reduced. | Clerk |
2103-08.259 | Chairman has again had discussions with Castle Water re water meter but it would appear that promised inspection yet to happen. Further follow at end of month. | Chairman |
2103-09 | Public transport: | |
2103-09.260 | The small grant application from the Volunteer Driver Service to support provision of PPE required because of Covid was a considered and it was RESOLVED that a grant of £75 would be awarded. OCC has recently announced a new grant scheme focussed on transport provision by the volunteer sector and the Clerk has communicated this to VDS and Ability CIC. | Clerk |
2103-10 | Village Hall: | |
2103-10.261 | Expiry of lease to VHMC noted and PC will start work to understand how to proceed. The Clerk will write to the VHMC Chairman to advise the outcomes. | Clerk |
Community Hall: | Information | |
2103-10.262 | The heating efficiency report has been received from our expert consultants and is being reviewed by Cllrs. This will then be discussed with CDC and Hayfield to hopefully develop a solution to achieve acceptable performance. | Clerk |
2103-11 | Healthcare: | |
2103-11.263 | Cropredy Surgery advise that they should be able to start vaccinating the next cohort [50+ age group] later this week. The Council agreed that the Surgery has been delivery excellent support to the community and offered its thanks. | Information |
2103-10.264 | No further progress on the retention of a consultant lead Maternity Unit at the Horton. Cllr Johnson proposed that this Council send a letter to HOSC confirming our support for this and encouraging them to press the Secretary of State for a decision. | Cllr Johnson |
2103-50 | Finance & Administration: | |
2103-50.265 | The financial report for March including receipts and payments had been previously circulated to Cllrs and was APPROVED. | Information |
2103-50.266 | 5 payments totalling £1176.23 were APPROVED. To comply with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are listed below: | Information |
OALC : annual membership renewal : £156.26 | ||
2103-50.267 | The Standing Orders previously circulated were discussed and it was RESOLVED that the document be accepted. | Information |
2103-50.268 | The Financial Regulations previously circulated were discussed and it was RESOLVED that they be accepted. | Information |
2103-50.269 | The Grant Awarding policy previously circulated was discussed and it was RESOLVED that this be accepted. | Information |
2103-50.270 | The Code of Conduct, previously adopted in 2012 was reviewed and it was RESOLVED that it be re-adopted until the new Code is available from CDC. | Information |
2103-50.271 | Work continues on progressing registration of Council owned land with the Land Registry in partnership with our former Chairman to ensure we capture her significant knowledge. | Clerk |
2103-50.272 | The CDC communication on Councillor remuneration previously circulated was discussed and it was RESOLVED that this Council will continue its policy of not accepting remuneration but will continue to support payment of correctly claimed expenses. | Information |
2103-50.273 | The Chairman updated the meeting on the Winter Resilience draft plan. Consultation is required with residents who have recently supported vulnerable villagers through the Covid pandemic to enlist their ongoing support. It is hoped that this will be available shortly. Also volunteers would be sought to manage rock salt spreading on road junctions in the event of bad weather. | Information |
2103-60 | Planning applications: | |
2103-60.274 | New Applications: | Information |
21/00280/F : Mr & Mrs Walden Stonesfield House, Stanwell Lane, GB : replacement conservatory rear extension I new window : SUPPORT | ||
Mr C Green, The Old Manor House, Manor Road, GB : we have been advised, as a matter of courtesy, by Mr Green that he is having a pre-app discussion with CDC regarding the creation of a rear sun room to understand if planning permission is required. No application has yet been made. | ||
2103-60.275 | Decisions: | Information |
20/03301/F : Sharawle, Main Street, GB : application withdrawn. | ||
20/03376/F : Barns on land behind Stanwell Lane Cottages, Stanwell Lane, GB; GRANTED | ||
21/00094/F : Land east of South View and behind School Lane, GB : no decision yet published but the senior planning Officer has confirmed in his response to our letter that he sees no reason to refuse the application and it will be recommended for approval. DCllr Chapman has discussed the case with the Officer and reports that many of the issues raised by us in our objection will be addressed in the final Officer report, now overdue. This Council will carefully digest the report, when published, to decide whether any further action is required. | ||
210-60.276 | Enforcement matters: | |
20/01808/F : Development of 3 bungalows behind School Lane, GB : this enforcement case is now effectively closed with the submission of 21/00094/F and the report that it has been recommended for approval. | Information | |
19/00161/ENFC : Sharawle, Main Street, GB : enforcement notice has been served; this has potential significance for 20/03301/F above. Further information is awaited. | Information | |
2103-70 | Correspondence: | |
No new correspondence received | ||
2103-80 | New business: | |
No other new business was discussed. | ||
2103-90/91 | County & District Councillors report: | |
2103-91.277 | DCllr Chapman provide some information about the recently installed electronic speed signs in Cropredy and Council AGREED that the installation of 2 such signs on Main Street in GB should be investigated now that OCC appears to have changed its position to one of support for them. | Information |
2103-90.277 | DCllr Chapman advised that the end year financial position of CDC had been managed through a combination of savings and use of reserves so that a limited increase in Council Tax could be managed. But he reported that the situation for the coming year looked much bleaker and there was hope the central Government would provide some financial help to the sector. | Information |
Date of next meeting : Wednesday April 14th at 7.30pm as a virtual meeting unless current guidance is changed. | ||
Meeting closed at 21:35 | ||
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 11/03/21. |
Bourtons Parish Council – Draft March 2021 minutes
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