Notice of Temporary Traffic Order
Williamscot (Wardington) A361
Prohibition of Vehicles, 30mph Speed Limit
and 7.5t Weight Restriction
Date of Order: 9 May 2022
Coming into force: 16 May 2022
This Order is being introduced because of carriageway surfacing works which are anticipated to be completed 25 May 2022. The works active between 7.30pm and 6am affect the length of the A361 south of Williamscot from Wardington Road to Banbury Road, Chacombe.
The effect of the Order is to:
Prohibit use by motor vehicles between 7.30pm and 6am daily;
Also, a 24 hour restriction will apply for a 30mph speed reduction; and
7.5tonne weight restrictions on the unnamed road to Chacombe running south-eastwards from the A361, Williamscot Road and The Plantation to prevent use by HGVs.
The relevant part of the Oxfordshire County Council (Wardington Parish) (Speed Limits) Order 2020 (50mph) shall be temporarily suspended for the duration of the Works.
Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are in force.
Exemptions are included for emergency services and for the works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed/ restricted sections of road.
The diversion route for traffic is via A361, A45, A425, A423, A361.
This Order will remain in force for a maximum period of 18 months or until the works have been completed whichever is the sooner.
Traffic Regulations Team (Ref.T9956/AC) for the Director for Infrastructure Delivery, County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND. 0345 310 1111
Notice of Temporary Traffic Order – Williamscot (Wardington) A361

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