Minutes of the meeting of Bourtons Parish Council
Held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on Tuesday 5th April 2016 following the Annual Parish Meeting.
The meeting opened at 8.00pm.
- Present: Cllrs Mrs S Leszczynski [Chairman], C Upton, A Johnson.
In attendance: District Cllr K Atack, S Bowen [Parish Clerk]
Apologies: were received from: Cllrs Mrs S Upton (holiday), P Wallace (business), S Hughes
- Declarations of Interest: None.
- Attendance: no members of the public were present.
- Minutes: the minutes of the last meeting [March 2016] were APPROVED and signed by the Chairman.
- Progress reports :
- Footpaths: No new reports have been received.
- Road Defects: no progress has been made regarding outstanding issues and OCC Highways have no funds currently available.
i]Following the change of landlord of the Little Bourton public house, it will be necessary to appoint and train a new inspector.
ii]Cllr Upton has commenced weekly inspections of the Great Bourton machine and these are recorded in an inspection log book. Action is required to avert condensation in the window of the box.
d) Traffic Calming:
i] No interest has been expressed by residents in supporting the proposed Community Speedwatch project, so no further action on this point will be undertaken pending a suitable number of volunteers coming forward.
e) Website Development:
i] Excellent work done by Cllr Sue Upton enabled Councillors to review the 2 best proposals and the Chairman PROPOSED that KC Graphics be appointed, as their proposal was both competitive and they are a local provider. This was seconded by Cllr A Johnson. It was RESOLVED that KC Graphics be appointed.
f) Garners Field Development:
i] Confirmation has been received from the Landowner’s agent that the s106 agreement is now with CDC for signing.
ii] He has also indicated that discussions are proceeding well with a small number of new developers and they are hopeful of making an announcement soon.
h) Village Hall maintenance:
i] 3 quotes have been reviewed and it was PROPOSED by the Chairman that of Russell Twynham for £1,080.00 external painting and gutter maintenance be accepted as it was the best quote and from a known local tradesman. This was seconded by Cllr A Johnson.
ii] It was RESOLVED that Mr Twynham’s quote be accepted and the work put in place during May when the weather will hopefully be more conducive to external painting.
- Playgrounds
Inspections have been carried out:
a] Little Bourton: Cllr safety inspection completed, all satisfactory. Cllr C Upton noted that the grass remains very long and the early 1st cut will be expedited with the contractor. A continuing litter problem around the shelter has been noticed. It was AGREED that an additional small litter bin be purchased and Cllr Upton will fix this to the shelter.)
- Allotments
a]Progress can be reported following intensive discussions with our Solicitor. Draft contracts are now available and were reviewed.
b] The Chairman PROPOSED that the contracts were acceptable and that Aplins [our Solicitors] were instructed to move to get them signed as soon as possible to enable the final site preparation works to be completed by Mr. Hall so that new tenancy agreements can be issued to interested potential tenants. This was seconded by Cllr A Johnson.
c] It was RESOLVED to urge Aplins to proceed quickly through the signing process.
d] Once signed formal Notice to Quit letters will be issued to current tenants for the existing Stonepits allotments.
e] New tenancy agreements will then follow to those people who have expressed interest in a new plot[s]. Outstanding rents must be paid in full before tenancy agreements can be issued.
- Finance
- Outgoing payments to Thames Water, Stephen Bowen (Clerk expenses) and the rent for the Great Bourton playground were APPROVED.
- The current statement of accounts was APPROVED.
- The End Year supporting statement and asset registers were reviewed and APPROVED.
- The matter of VAT recovery in respect of the Little Bourton playground equipment remains outstanding and it was AGREED that the Clerk would progress the matter.
- It was AGREED that the Clerk would also speak with CDC regarding the transfer of the residual value of the s106 agreement contribution to playground equipment from the Avoncroft development now that capital expenditure is complete, to be reserved for playground maintenance in the future.
- It was PROPOSED that the quotation from Complete Weed Control be accepted and this was AGREED.
- CDC has paid the New Homes Bonus of £1254.00 for period 2015-16 (Re Pinson Close development).
- The Chairman PROPOSED that the Council opt in to the new Audit system being offered by NALC and this was seconded by Cllr A Johnson. This was AGREED.
- Planning Applications.
16/00548/F Conversion of timber framed building to holiday let at Littlegood Lodge, Littlegood Farm, Little Bourton. It was AGREED that no objections would be recorded.
- Correspondence
- Following an inspection of the Church wall by Councillors, a specialist local contractor has visited and a quotation is awaited. Clerk to expedite.
- A potential safety issue has been identified by the Insurance Assessor for the Parochial Church Council, whereby young children could accidently fall over the Church wall opposite the main entrance. This was discussed by Councillors, and it was AGREED that the Clerk would contact the PCC secretary requesting a full copy of the relevant part of the survey for consideration.
- New Business
a)None discussed
- District Councillor Report
- DC Atack advised that the Police have suspended the regular Neighbourhood Action Group meetings as they insufficient resources to support them. They propose that there will now be a single annual meeting with the first one scheduled for March 2017.
- DC Atack has now consulted with his other Parishes and there is general support for a twice yearly meeting to discuss common issues of concern. He has proposed a meeting in September and will proceed to arrange this.
- A revised local Planning Enforcement plan is being developed by CDC and it is planned that this will be formally announced at the next Parish Liaison Meeting in June.
- DC Atack offered to remind CDC Planning department that signature of the s106 agreement related to the Garners Field development and submitted by the landowners’ agent, Greenhill Brownfield, at the beginning of March is still outstanding.
Date of next meeting – Tuesday May 3rd 2016 at 7.00pm.
The meeting closed at 9:55 pm.
Signed Sally Leszczynski: Date:
Minutes drafted by Parish Clerk on 6th April 2016