Annual General Meeting of
The Bourtons Parish Council
held at the Village Hall on Tuesday May 3rd 2016 at 19:30
- Present :
Chairman & Councillor Ms Sally Leszczynski, Cllrs Andrew Johnson, Clive Upton, Ms Sue Upton, Paul Wallace; and Stephen Bowen, Parish Clerk; District Cllr Ken Atack, County Cllr George Reynolds. There were no members of the public in attendance.
- Apologies: none were received Cllr Steve Hughes having resigned earlier.
- The Chairman was re-elected unopposed having been proposed by Cllr Johnson and seconded by Cllr Mrs Sue Upton.
Cllr Mrs Sue Upton was proposed for the office of Vice Chairman by Cllr Johnson and seconded by the Chairman and was duly elected.
- The Chairman duly signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
- The minutes of the previous AGM were received and APPROVED by all Cllrs and signed.
- The Standing Orders were discussed and it was decided that a sub committee should be convened to further review these to ensure their relevance. The Chairman offered to Chair this committee and Cllr Ms S Upton proposed that Cllr Johnson join this committee. This was APPROVED.
- The Financial Regulations of the Council were accepted and a final review will be completed by the Clerk prior to their adoption at the next Council meeting in June.
The meeting closed at 19:40.
Stephen M Bowen
The Bourtons Parish Council