DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on Tuesday May 14th 2018 at 19:50 | ||
Present : Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman), Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker. | ||
In attendance : K Drummond (Acting Clerk), Apologies : Cllr D Drummond, CCllr G Reynolds, DCllr P Chapman (all business), S Bowen-Clerk (Holiday) | ||
Declarations of Interest : None | ||
Public Participation : There were NO members of the public in attendance. | ||
Minutes : The previous meeting (April) minutes were received and APPROVED. | ||
Co-option to fill Councillor vacancy : Mr C Upton was co-opted having been proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Johnson. | ||
Minute ref | Item | Delegated to |
1904-01 | Footpaths – Progress Report | |
1904-01.034 | The footpath warden has not been able to walk the footpaths recently. Cllr Drummond will be assisting when he is fit enough to do so. Cllr S Upton suggested that any of councillors walk each of footpaths they deemed necessary and report any issues. | Information |
1904-02 | Highways & Road defects – Progress Report | |
1904-02.035 | Cllrs Leszczynski and S Upton met with Mr N Watson, OCC senior Highways and Drainage technician. One scheduled inspections has been missed and Cllr Upton was concerned that potholes have not been repaired or marked for repair, and there are still several issues waiting to be resolved in Little Bourton. | Information |
1904-02.036 | ‘Minor patching’ (more extensive than individual potholes) is to be added to schedule of work for the Bourtons as follows : | Information |
GB :Swan Lane, School Lane | ||
LB : Spring Lane, Chapel Lane/Buzzards Close jct. by September, and potholes will be temporarily made safe until then. The drainage problem in Little Bourton will also be addressed. | ||
1904-03 | Village benches – Progress Report | |
1904-03.037 | Resident who has been finishing bench repairs is no longer available due to work commitments. The bench on Southam Road GB needs the slats replacing, another resident will be approached. The materials are in storage. | Chairman |
1904-04 | Defibrillators – Progress Report | |
1904-04.038 | Both machines inspected and OK. | Information |
1904-04.039 | The interior light on the Little Bourton defibrillator is now working. Pads and batteries in both machines have now been replaced at a cost of £458, paid for by the parish council. A contingency will be put in the budget for this in future. | Information |
1904-05 | Website development – Progress Report. | |
1904-05.040 | A meeting will be held with the website manager to set up an online calendar on the website for booking requests for the community hall. These will be picked up manually as they may clash with bookings made by telephone. | Cllr Mrs Upton |
1904-06 | Garners Field development – Progress Report | |
1904-06.041 | A snagging meeting was due to be held on Wednesday 22nd May but this has been cancelled as the site will not be ready. | Information |
1904-07.042 | Legal transfer of the site could take up to 2 months, Aplins Solicitors have sent an invoice to pay for searches to be done but it was decided that payment be withheld until it was made clear what the searches were for and if they were necessary. | Chairman |
1904-07 | Playgrounds & Public Spaces | |
1904-07.043 | Great Bourton – Nothing to report. Well cared for, as usual. | Information |
1904-07.044 | There were smashed beer bottles in the Little Bourton playground which were cleared up by Cllr C Upton. | Information |
1904-07.045 | New markers have been placed in the Burial Ground for new graves by Cllr Mrs Upton and Mr David Upton, thanks were expressed. | Information# |
1904-08 | Allotments | |
1904-08.046 | There are 2 people on the waiting list who will be contacted as a current tenant wishes to give up half of their plot. The 2 half plots will be registered as a and b for documentation reasons. | Information |
1904-09 | Public transport | |
1904-09.047 | Letter to OCC David Taylor. Cllr S Upton has spoken to one of his team who said the letter seemed muddled and hadn’t asked for a meeting, but has now asked Mr Taylor to contact the parish council to set one up. | Information |
1904-10 | Village Hall | |
1904-10.048 | The PC will approach Mr G Barratt to re-paint the white lines on the steps of the village hall. Cllr C Upton already has the paint for this. | Cllr Mrs Upton |
1904-11 | Healthcare | |
1904-011.049 | Cllr A Johnson attended a PPG meeting and will circulate the minutes to councillors. | Cllr Johnson |
1904-50 | Finance & Administration | |
1904-50.050 | The financial report for May 2019 had been circulated and was APPROVED. | Information |
1904-50.051 | 5 payments totalling £1,657.38 were APPROVED. A further payment of £409 to Aplins solicitors was deferred for more detailed information. To comply with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are listed below: | |
CDC: Bi annual dog bin emptying charge £ 384.00 | ||
K C Graphics: Website hosting £ 468.00 | ||
Tessa Hennessy Solicitor: Legal advice re CH charity £ 400.00 | ||
SW Services: May mowing charge £ 375.00 | ||
1904-52.052 | AGAR exemption form not approved as councillors wanted more information; the deadline is not until the end of June so this will be approved at the June meeting. | |
1904-52.053 | The annual accounts for year ending March 2019 will be approved at the June meeting. | |
1904-52.054 | Standing Orders and Financial Regulations had been previously circulated but are in need of further review. | |
1905-52-055 | The burial ground records need to be reviewed to ensure compliance with latest legislation. | |
1904-60 | ||
1904-60.056 | Planning applications | Information |
19/00627/F The Beeches – no objections. | ||
1904-60.057 | Decisions: | Information |
19/00301/OUT Land adjacent to Spring Lane – refused. | ||
Enforcement matters: | ||
1904-60.058 | A meeting is being arranged with the Planning Dept to discuss current issues. | Chairman |
1904-70 | Correspondence | |
1904-70.059 | CDC are launching a charity lottery to support local good causes in parishes, PC will attend the meeting. | Chairman |
1904-80 | New business: | |
1904-80.060 | Report from P Drury, coordinating PCC, Friends of All Saints and BPC grant application re Church clock and tower: The tender process is complete, a meeting is being held on 19th May to discuss these. The parish council need to see a breakdown of costs as only clock repairs are relevant to PC. There was a discussion as to whether there needs to be a faculty for the clock. [Information subsequent to meeting: Yes, it appears that faculty must be requested] | Information |
1904-80.061 | 100 tickets for Fairport will be available this year, planned date for sale is Tuesday 18th June, £45 per ticket. | Information |
1904-80.062 | Welcome pack for new residents: This is currently under development but should be available for distribution in early June. | Information |
1904-90 | County & District Councillors report | |
No District or County Councillors were present, see apologies, so no updates provided. | ||
Date of next meeting : Tuesday June 11th 7.30pm in the Village Hall. | ||
Meeting closed at 21:21 hrs | ||
Minutes drafted by the Acting Clerk on 10/04/19. |
Bourton Parish Council – Draft Minutes of the May meeting
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