Bourtons Parish Council July ’17 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on                                                                                                                Tuesday July 4th 2017 at 19:30
Present : Cllr Mrs S E Lesczcynski (Chairman),  Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker,  OCC & DCllr G Reynolds, S Bowen (Clerk)
Apologies : CDC DCllr K Atack (relocated)  , Cllr T Sowler
Declarations of Interest : None
Public Participation : There were no members of the public in attendance.
Minutes : The previous meeting (June) minutes were received and APPROVED.
Minute ref Item Delegated to
1707-.01. Footpaths – Progress Report
1707-01.238 A resident has reported that a crop of beans has overgrown Footpath FP8.  A call is to be made to the landowner requesting his assistance in making the path passable. Clerk
1707-01.239 The Chairman reported that growth along FP7 in Little Bourton has been cleared and thanks go to OCC and their footpath team for this work. Information
1707-01.240 The Clerk reported that following several days of disappointing response from Thames Water re former Sewage Treatment works dilapidated fencing, on Friday 28/06/17 TW confirmed that they were visiting the site with their fencing contractor to price the job. Further site clearance and investigation has revealed that the tanks are covered and have a handrail around them. Information
1706-02 Highways & Road defects – Progress Report
1707-02.241 Cllr Mrs Upton confirmed that the road condition survey is to be carried out in August and that she will try and attend to ensure all potholes are identified. Cllr Mrs Upton
1707-02.242 Cllr Johnson advised that it had been agreed that the Clerk to the Cropredy School governors would write again to Cropredy PC regarding the parking problem. Information
1706-03 Village benches – Progress Report
1707-03.243 All repair materials now with our contractor.  Work is expected to start w/c July 24th. Information
1706-04 Defibrillators – Progress Report
1707-04.244 Both locations inspected and all in working order. Information
1706-05 Website development – Progress Report.
1707-05.245 Nothing to report. Information
1706-06 Garners Field development – Progress Report
1707-06.246 The Council has been approached by the developer asking about possible road names.  Several were suggested and rejected with the Council proposing that Garners Field be retained for the development as this is well know throughout the villages.  This will be proposed to CDC, the controlling authority. Information
1707-06.247 The developer has suggested that work may commence in August.  The Council has not received written confirmation that the plan to open a third entrance into the site, close the the Southam Road, to provide access to the show home has been dropped as the Council had requested.  A further letter is to be sent requesting written assurance that this will not proceed. Clerk
1706-07 Playgrounds & Public Spaces
1706-07.248 GB inspection : All OK, no litter reported. Information
1706-07.249 LB inspection : All OK, no litter reported. Information
1706-07.250 After problems obtaining a maintenance quote from the supplier of the adult gym equipment in the LB playground, further quotes will be sought. Cllr Mrs Upton
1706-07.251 The draft Byelaw for the protection of the playgrounds circulated to Cllrs was discussed and APPROVED.  This will now proceed through the legal procedures to be enacted. Clerk
1706-07.252 Work on the LB layby and the repair of the dog bin will commence w/c July 24th. Information
1706-08 Allotments
1707-08.253 The Chairman reported that the allotments are being very well attended with lots of growth evident, indeed some crops have already been harvested! Information
1707-08.254 The new noticeboard has been received and will be erected at the end of the month. Information
1707-08.255 A tenant has advised that they are moving out of the villages and have requested that they can continue working their plot for the this season.  The Council has AGREED to this until the rent year end when the matter will be reviewed. Information
1706-09 Public transport
1707-09.256 No update. Information about the County Connect service will be added to the website. Information
1706-10 Village Hall
1707-10.257 The steps outside the Hall have now had their edges repainted in white line paint. Many thanks were expressed to Cllr C Upton for carrying out this time-consuming work. Information
1707-10.258 The VHMC minutes 27.06.2017 have been received by the Council and have been noted. Information
1706-50 Finance & Administration
1707-50.259 The financial statement for JUNE 2017 was received and APPROVED. Information
1707-50.260 A total of 3 payments totalling £1737.78 were APPROVED. In compliance with relevant regulations those exceeding £100 are detailed below :
Noticeboard Company – new allotment noticeboard – £1102.78
SW Services – public space mowing, May – £365.00
N R Prickett – verge mowing, June [funded by your Council after withdrawal of service by OCC] £270.00
1707-50.261 The annual return has been completed and was signed by the Chairman and will be sent to the external auditors this week.* Audit documents are shown at the end of June’s minutes and also below. Information
1707-50.262 To avoid difficulties experienced this year in obtaining bank statements validating the balances held [required for the external audit] it was RESOLVED that the statement date will be changed to the 1st of each month. Clerk
1707-50.263 Following advice from Government that a new External Auditor is to be appointed, it was RESOLVED that the Council will also appoint a new Internal Auditor.  Arrow Accounting will be advised. Clerk
1706.51 Fairport
1707-51.264 A few tickets remain and anyone interested, who meets the criteria should contact Cllr Mrs Upton. Information
1706-60 Planning applications
1707-60.265 17/01136/F – 8 Manor Close, GB : porch & other minor works, no objection Information
1706-70 Correspondence
1707-70.266 Appropriate action will be taken regarding the vehicle reported abandoned at the bottom of Main Street after enquiries could not identify the owner. Clerk
1707-70.267 A request for a donation has been received from the Guideposts trust which will be declined. Clerk
1706-80 New business
1707-80.268 The Chairman & Clerk attended the recent CDC Parish Liaison meeting at Bodicote House.  Full details are available via a webcast at : Information
1706-90 County Councillors report
1707-90.269 OCC intend to invest further money in improving Broadband coverage in the County. Information
1707-90.270 OCC have reviewed their waste disposal sites again and advise that the Alkerton site will remain open beyond the earlier announced closure date. Information
1707-90.271 OCC have confirmed a reorganisation of their Highways team and that Mr Paul Wilson will be the new manager for the north of the County and West Oxon. Information
1707-90.272 The Unitary Council proposal has been sent to the DCLG and a response is awaited. Information
1706.91 District Councillors report
1707-91.273 The planning application for the proposed new motorway service area on the A361 adjacent to to J11 junction has been delayed by responses regarding traffic surveys. Information
1707-91.274 Discussions continue regarding the problem of HGV’s travelling to the Chipping Warden site through villages and CCllr Reynolds will continue to request urgent support form OCC. Information
Date of next meeting : Tuesday 5th  Sept in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at 21:00 hrs
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 05/07/17.


Audit documents can be seen here, here and here.

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