Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on Tuesday June 6th 2017 at 19:30 | ||
Present : Cllr Mrs S E Lesczcynski (Chairman), Cllrs Mrs S Upton,A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker, T Sowler, OCC & DCllr G Reynolds, S Bowen (Clerk) | ||
Apologies : CDC DCllr K Atack (relocated) | ||
Declarations of Interest : None | ||
Public Participation : There were no members of the public in attendance. | ||
Minutes : The previous meeting (May) minutes were received and APPROVED. | ||
Minute ref | Item | Delegated to |
1706.01. | Footpaths – Progress Report | |
1706-01.197 | NO new report has been received and no comments from the public. | Information |
1706-01.198 | Further investigation required regarding the ownership of the former Bourton sewage treatment works. Thames Water contacted and enquiries continue. The Council will communicate with local landowners to try & clarify the situation. | Clerk Cllr Johnson |
1706-02 | Highways & Road defects – Progress Report | |
1706.02-198 | Cllr Mrs Upton advised that OCC [Maurice Sheehan] confirmed that our highways inspection will now take place in August. | Information |
1706.02-199 | OCC confirmed that they were not aware of the pending work by Western Power Distribution in Crow Lane and would investigate. | Information |
1706.02-200 | OCC also advised that they are not aware of future works in Spring Lane, LB. Cllr Mrs Upton has passed relevant details on. | Information |
1706.02-201 | The issue of parking outside Cropredy school was raised by Cllr Johnson, (as local authority governor) with the School and it will be discussed in more detail at the next Governors meeting, following which the Council will be updated. | Cllr Johnson |
1706.02-202 | The Chairman attended the meeting organised by DCllr Atack about large transporter vehicles using local village roads to access the Chipping Warden site. All agreed that a better solution needs to be found, before the start of HS2 works which will significantly increase the volume of traffic. OCC representatives offered to design a specific signage scheme, directing HGVs via Hennif Way and A361, but advised that this would be delayed due to a large project underway elsewhere in the county. CCllr Reynolds was asked to press for urgent action. | Information CCllr Reynolds |
1706-03 | Village benches – Progress Report | |
1706.03-203 | Our appointed contractor has collected the refurbishment parts from Mr Jefferies and will start the benches project in July. | Information |
1706.03-204 | A list and schedule for maintenance work will be compiled and issued to the contractor. | Clerk |
1706.03-205 | Further attempts to contact Mr Howells have been unsuccessful and efforts will continue. | Cllr Mrs Upton |
1706-04 | Defibrillators – Progress Report | |
1706.04-206 | Both machines inspected and working with no issues. | Information |
1706-05 | Website development – Progress Report. | |
1706.05-207 | The move to the new server has been completed and is working very well with no hacking attempts or Spam. | Information |
1706-06 | Garners Field development – Progress Report | |
1706.06-208 | The full planning permission for the 43 house application has now been finally confirmed. | Information |
1706.06-209 | Work will now commence on developing detailed specifications for the new Community Hall, with professional help and advice being sought [at no cost to the Council]. Interested residents would be invited to join the small interim community hall management committee to liaise with the developers over details of specification. | Chairman Clerk |
1706.06-210 | Contact will be made with Hayfield Homes to understand the work programme and develop a process for keeping residents up-to-date with progress. | Clerk |
1706-07 | Playgrounds & Public Spaces | |
1706.07-211 | GB inspection : OK, no litter problem, new green bin has been delivered. Ownership marking to be applied. | Clerk |
1706.07-212 | LB inspection : OK, small litter . Notification received of ROSPA Annual Inspection of both playgrounds in July | Information |
1706.07-213 | Quote requested from TGOGC, re regular maintenance of gym equipment, not arrived, to be expedited. | Clerk |
1706.07-214 | Our appointed contractor has confirmed that work on resurfacing the LB layby will start early July. | Information |
1706.07-215 | The fence and gate repairs at the Burial Ground have been completed. | Information |
1706.07-216 | The outstanding maintenance monies from the Pinson Close development have been received from CDC and will be added to the Playgrounds reserve to support future maintenance and repairs. | Information |
1706.07-217 | A further fund of approximately £20k is available to support development of a recreation facility for older children/adults. The Council is keen to understand if residents have any suitable ideas for consideration. | Information |
1706-08 | Allotments | |
1706.08-218 | Full legal completion on the Stonepits site but Land Registry documentation awaited. | Information |
1706.08.219 | 2 further applications for plots received, only 4 plots now remaining. | Information |
1706.08-220 | Noticeboard ordered, delivery expected late June. | Information |
1706-09 | Public transport | |
1706.09-221 | No further information received. Funds will be released during the Garners Field development to support further local transport improvements, from the s106 agreement and discussion required to develop a programme. Residents are reminded that the County Connect service has been reinstated, with parish funding, for people who register to use it, and that over-60s bus passes are accepted on this service. | Information |
1706-10 | Village Hall | |
1706.10-222 | The new boiler is working well. Confirmation required that its guarantee registration has been received. | Clerk |
1706-50 | Finance & Administration | |
1706.50-223 | The financial statement for MAY 2017 was received and APPROVED. | Information |
1706.50-224 | A total of 5 payments totalling £1108.58 were APPROVED. In compliance with relevant regulations those exceeding £100 are detailed below : | Information |
Complete Weed Control : £276.00 for weed control spraying around villages. | information | |
Expenses to the Clerk : £105.48 for supplies purchased. | Information | |
1706.50-225 | The 2016/17 Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Accounts have been received from our Internal Auditor and these were APPROVED and accepted. The audit documents are shown below | Information |
1706.50-226 | Work continues to complete the Annual Return which will be completed before the deadline of June 30th. | Clerk |
1707.60-227 | As previously discussed it was RESOLVED that the monthly hours paid to the Clerk be increased to 25 to reflect the amount of work being done as evidenced by the time sheets produced. | Information |
1706.51 | Fairport | |
1706.51-228 | The ticket allocation event for this years’ tickets has been confirmed as June 20th with the Village Hall opening at 18:00 -20:30, which has been advertised in the Broadsheet and on the website. Tickets are only available to RESIDENTS, as per the conditions stipulated by the organisers, 1 per individual. Our allocation is 110 tickets which will be distributed on a first come first served basis, with any remaining tickets being allocated by ballot to residents requiring a second ticket. | Information |
1706-60 | Planning applications | |
1706.60-229 | No new planning applications have been received. | Information |
1706.60-230 | Application 17/00734/F, 4 The Close, Main Street, GB has been withdrawn. | Information |
1706.60-231 | A copy of the s106 funding agreement re the Garners Field development will be requested from the CDC Planners. | Clerk |
1706-70 | Correspondence | |
1706.60-232 | Letter received from Castle Water confirming that they have taken over the business accounts of Thames Water and are now our supplier for the new Allotments site received, and requesting that we pay by DD. This has been declined as we would be in breach of the financial regulations governing how Councils must pre-authorise all spending. | Information |
1706.60-233 | A complaint was received from a resident regarding the height of the verges at the junction of Main Street/Southam Road. The Clerk has contacted OCC Highways, the responsible authority, and the verges have now received their annual cut. If future concerns are expressed then these should be reported on the FixMyStreet website identifying vegation as the issue. | Information |
1706.60-234 | The concern expressed earlier regarding the dumping of garden waste by contractors working in Pinson Close has been followed up with Avoncroft Homes, who have confirmed it is not their employees. This is now being discussed with South Oxfordshire Housing Association. | Clerk |
1706-80 | New business | |
1706.80-235 | Contact is being made with our contractor to have a first cut of the verges within the village boundaries, as grass is growing quickly and the OCC annual cut is not anticipated until end July. This cut is funded by the Parish Council. | Clerk |
1706-90 | County Councillors report | |
1706.90-236 | CCllr Reynolds advised that the proposed new Country Park alongside the motorway, adjacent to the Banbury Gateway retail park, has now been approved and funding established so that work can commence. He reported that Banbury Town Council understand that some of the land within the new park, between the railway and the River Cherwell, north of the M40, falls within the Bourtons Parish boundary. The Chairman commented that with the closure of the railway level crossing on the former permissive path below Park Farm, Little Bourton, residents had lost their logical and easy access to this new Park. We will investigate if any other short access route is possible. Eventually access would be possible from the new Hanwell View estate. | Clerk CCllr G Reynolds |
1706.91 | District Councillors report | |
1706.91-237 | Following the relocation of DCllr Atack he will no longer be attending meetings. CCllr Reynolds advised that CDC had confirmed that no immediate election will be held to replace him, and that DCllr Atack will still attend to local matters via email until his replacement is in post. This is likely to be next year, due to the uncertainty around the future of OCC and a Unitary Authority | Information |
Date of next meeting : Tuesday July 4th in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm. | ||
Meeting closed at 21:40 hrs | ||
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 07/06/17.
Minutes of the June Parish Council Meeting & Audit Documents
Our much-loved printed village Newsletter, the Broadsheet is delivered to every address in both villages at the end of each month. View and download previous copies here.