Bourtons Parish Council Meeting – May 2017

Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on  Tuesday May 2nd  2017 at 19:30
Present : Cllr Mrs S E Lesczcynski (Chairman),  Cllrs A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker, CDC DCllr K Atack
Apologies : Cllr George Reynolds [OCC election matters], Cllr Tom Sowler [unknown] Cllr Sue Upton (on holiday)
Declarations of Interest : None
Public Participation : There were no members of the public in attendance.
Minutes : The previous meeting (March & April 2017) minutes were received and APPROVED.
Minute ref Item Delegated to
1705.01. Footpaths – Progress Report
1705-01.166 No new reports received.
1705.01-167 A report has been received from a resident that youths have been seen in and around the old farm building nearby the former Bourtons Sewage works, a fire has been observed. Ownership of the land is unclear but the former works is thought to be owned by Thames Water.  Signs are present warning of dangerous deep water but surrounding fences are damaged.  The Council will communicate with Thames Water advising them of the situation. Clerk
1705-02 Highways & Road defects – Progress Report
1705.02-168 The OCC highways inspection is still awaited and this will be chased up again with OCC. Cllr Mrs Upton
1705.02-169 The new Dragon pothole repair machine has been observed in the area and comments were made that the visual quality of the repairs looks very poor with tar sprayed across roadside verges.  OCC will be advised. Clerk
1705.02-170 The issue of parking in Station Road, Cropredy was discussed again. Cllr Johnson [recently appointed as Local Authority Governor at the school] advised that the school had considered the offer of land on the corner of School Lane as a car park but felt that the costs to create the car park were too high.  He will discuss this further with fellow Governors.  The new housing  development in Gt Bourton may provide a possible opportunity to raise funds through an s106 contribution to the school. Cllr Johnson
1705-03 Village benches – Progress Report
1705.03-171 No progress has been made in contacting Mr Howells. Cllr S Upton will also attempt tp make contact with him.  A new letter will be sent advising that the Council has made alternative arrangements for refurbishment. Clerk
1705.03-172 The new location for the Foxden Way bench [to ensure a good view] requires discussion with the owner of a gateway and this will be arranged. Chairman
1705-04 Defibrillators – Progress Report
1705.04-173 Both inspected and no problems observed or reported. Information
1705-05 Website development – Progress Report.
1705.05-174 Cllr Mrs Upton had circulated a report describing the problems experienced with hackers on the new website.  This has been discussed with the server provider who have been most unhelpful. The Chairman PROPOSED that we change server providers and this was SECONDED by Cllr Johnson.  The new provider will be £5/month more expensive  than we currently pay to  that maintenance contractor, but provide a better service.  it was AGREED that the remaining subscription for the current provider be written off [£87]. Cllr Mrs Upton
1705-06 Garners Field development – Progress Report
1705.06-175 The Council has responded to the new application for 33 houses made by Hayfield Homes to keep that previous permission extant, raising no objections and expressing its view that this application is preferred over the one for 43 houses approved earlier in the year, but which is still awaiting formal consent due to outstanding issues with conditions and the s106 agreement from OCC. Information
1705.06-176 It was AGREED that the somewhat excessive delay to finalising the approved application be raised with the planning officer, and DCllr Atack will discuss this in our behalf. DCllr Atack
1705-07 Playgrounds & Public Spaces
1705.07-177 GB : inspection completed, all OK.  Litter remains a problem.  Replacement green refuse bin awaited from CDC [previous one appears stolen]. Clerk
1705.07-178 LB : inspection completed, all OK.  Waste left by previous illegal occupiers of site now cleared by CDC. Information
1705.07-179 Quote has been requested from GOGC [suppliers] for maintenance of adult gym equipment and is awaited , will be expedited. Clerk
1705.07-180 Funds transfer from CDC re outstanding maintenance reserves due from developers of Pinson Close still awaited.  To be expedited. DCllr Atack will discuss on our behalf. DCllr Atack
1705.07-181 The quote received from MB Landscaping for re-stoning the LB playground layby was discussed and it was RESOLVED to proceed.  At the same time the post for dog bin will be replaced. Clerk
1705.07-182 Burial grounds update : repairs to fence and gate post still outstanding.  To be expedited with Parkland fencing. Cllr Mrs Upton
1705-08 Allotments
1705.08-183 Our solicitors have been instructed to complete on the transfers of the Stonepits site to Mr Hall and have communicated same to his solicitors. Information
1705.08-184 A further request for a plot has been received and forms sent.  There are now only 5 plots remaining. Information
1705.08-185 The provision of a noticeboard was discussed and it was RESOLVED that this be purchased.  Qoutes have been received. Clerk
1705-09 Public transport
1707.09-186 Delays to the new County Connect service now seem to have been resolved and the service is due to start imminently. Existing registrations for the service will remain valid and  emails are being sent by the booking agents to existing users. Registration is now open for new users by calling 0345 4564474 or online via the booking portal: Further details to be published in the Broadsheet and on website. Information
1705-10 Village Hall
1705.10-187 The new boiler installation has gone well and the VHMC have reported their satisfaction.  They have also agreed that maintenance of the new boiler will be provided by Town & Country [the installers]. Clerk
1705-50 Finance & Administration
1705.50-188 The financial statement for APRIL 2017 was received and APPROVED. Information
1705.50-189 A total of 3 payments totalling £5215.00 were APPROVED. In compliance with relevant regulations those exceeding £100 are detailed below :
Town & Country Heating & Plumbing Ltd – Village Hall boiler installation £4500.00
SW Services – public space mowing in March £255.00
SW Services – public space mowing in April £460.00
1705.51 Fairport
1705.51-190 A message has been received from Cropredy that there are some changes to the rules regarding ticket allocation.  This was discussed and it was felt that such changes should come from the Fairport organisers and this will be requested. Chairman
1705-60 Planning applications
1705.60-191 No new planning applications have been received. Information
1705.60-192 The following planning applications have been decided : Information
17/00469/F : 5 Buzzards Close, LB : rear extension & reroof & widen garage – APPROVED
1705.60-193 A query regarding an approved application currently under construction has been received and this will be investigated. Clerk
1704-70 Correspondence
1705.70-194 An email has been received from a resident of Pinson Close concerning the apparent dumping of green waste generated during the contractor’s  grounds maintenance in the resident’s brown bin.  An enquiry has been made of CDC who have advised contact with the developers Avoncroft who appointed the maintenance contractor.  Contact has been made and a reply is awaited. Clerk
1705-80 New business
1705.80-195 No new business was discussed. Information
1705-90 District & County Councillors report
1705.90-196 DCllr Atack advised that this would be his last attendance at our Council meetings due to his intention to relocate to the south of the County.  Councillors expressed their thanks for his support over the years and wished him well in his retirement and new home. Information
Date of next meeting : Tuesday June 6th  in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at  21.30hrs
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 03/05/17

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