DRAFT Minutes of the VIRTUAL meeting held online on Tuesday April 14th 2020 at 19:30 | ||
Note : The Local Authorities & Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority & Police & Crime Panel Meetings) (England & Wales) Regulations 2020 allowed Parish Councils to convene their meetings virtually online. | ||
In attendance online : Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman), Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson, D Walker, D Drummond; & S Bowen (Clerk) Apologies : Cllr C Upton, CCllr G Reynolds, DCllr P Chapman. | ||
Declarations of Interest : Cllrs Johnson & Drummond; committee members of Cluster Care | ||
Public Participation : NO members of the public joined the meeting. | ||
Minutes : The previous Council meetings (March) minutes were received and APPROVED. | ||
Minute ref | Item | Delegated to |
Note | Important Coronavirus actions minuted below in 2004-50 | Information |
2004-01 | Footpaths – Progress Report | |
2004-04.001 | Reports have been received of some local landowners failing to clear cross field paths as required under the Countryside Act. If residents notice that paths have not been cleared following planting please notify the Council so that action can be taken. | Information |
2004-01.002 | Footpath users should take precautions when opening gates etc and use hand sanitiser as recommended by Government, but also be aware that farmland is the farmer’s workplace and do nothing to endanger their safety. | Information |
2004-02 | Highways & Road defects – Progress Report | |
2004-02.003 | Resurfacing work has now been completed in Crow Lane. This is to a very high standard and this Council would like to record its thanks to the OCC Highways team and their contractors. It is understood that further work on Foxden Way/ School Lane may be completed shortly. | Information Cllr SU |
2004-04 | Defibrillators – Progress Report | |
2004-04.004 | Both machines reported to be operating correctly. | Information |
2004-05 | Website development – Progress Report. | |
Nothing to report | ||
2004-06 | Projects | |
2004-06.005 | Clock restoration : due to the Coronavirus pandemic the work scheduled to start in March on the installation of the autowind mechanism has been postponed until the crisis is over. | Information |
2004-07 | Playgrounds & Public Spaces | |
2004-07.006 | Playgrounds are closed, following government instruction. No inspections have taken place this month. | Information |
2004-07.007 | Information to be sought from CDC/Hayfield Homes that the LAP at Garners Field has been formally closed, this still remaining under their control pending a decision regarding future ownership. | Clerk |
2004-08 | Allotments | |
2004-08.008 | A further application for a plot has been received bringing the waiting list to 6. | Information |
2004-08.009 | Allotments are permitted to remain open at present, but advice has been issued to observe suitable precautions over distancing and use of shared facilities, main gate, lock, taps etc. and notices posted allowing entry by authorised persons only. | |
2004-08.0010 | Investigation to be undertaken regarding the feasibility of CCTV/floodlighting at allotments following recent vandalism/thefts. | Clerk |
2004-09 | Public transport | |
2004-09.011 | The final edit of the funding agreement with OCC to release the s106 Garners Field monies in support of public transport has been received and circulated to Cllrs. It was RESOLVED that this should be signed by the Chairman and Clerk. Text for a letter to Ability CIC to be circulated for agreement once funding agreement has been signed. | Clerk |
2004-10 | ||
2004-10.012 | Village Hall: Currently closed in line with government instruction, to slow transmission of Covid-19. | Information |
2004-10.013 | The work scheduled to repair the oil tank cover has been postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. | Information |
2004-10.014 | Community Hall: Currently closed in line with government instruction, to slow transmission of Covid-19. | Information |
2004-10.015 | The final version of the lease has been issued to CIO members for consideration and the return is to be expedited. | Clerk |
2004-10.016 | Both Halls remain closed for the duration of the social distancing regulations. | Information |
2004-10.017 | Hayfield Homes have advised that they have ceased maintaining the Hall grounds. Repeated attempts to contact Ground Solutions have failed and quotes have been obtained from 2 local potential contractors. It was RESOLVED to appoint SW Services, our current mowing contractor for this year and to review the situation at year end. Letters to be sent to all parties confirming this decision. | Clerk |
2004-11 | Healthcare | |
2004-11.018 | Cluster Care has ceased operations for the duration of the Coronavirus pandemic. | Information |
2004-11.019 | Cropredy Surgery advise that Dr Tucker on annual leave but all other GP’s working. Consultations initially assessed by phone, surgery remains closed unless by appointment, prescriptions can be collected from reception window. | Information |
2004-50 | Finance & Administration | |
Coronavirus Pandemic actions | ||
2004-50.020 | It was RESOLVED that the Clerk and Chairman should be delegated power by this Council to undertake anything expedient and necessary to ensure the continuous business of the Council and deal with mandatory undertakings to prevent the Authority from incurring liability during this period of delegation. This period will last until a further resolution is passed terminating these powers. Any such actions taken by the Clerk or Chairman will be reported at the subsequent Council meeting and be ratified. | Information |
2004-50.021 | It was RESOLVED that all future meetings of this Council be undertaken online during the Coronavirus pandemic. | Information |
2004-50.022 | It was RESOLVED that the Annual General Meeting and the Annual Parish meeting will both be cancelled. Following the lifting of the current social distancing regulations both meetings will be rescheduled. | Information |
2004-50.023 | It was RESOLVED that both the Chairman and Vice Chair will remain in their posts until the rescheduled Annual General meeting. | Information |
Finance | ||
2004-04.024 | The financial statement for April including receipts and payments had been previously circulated to Cllrs and was APPROVED. | Information |
2004-04.025 | 5 payments totaling £1693.00 were APPROVED. To comply with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are listed below: | |
Chris Lewis Fire & Security Ltd : Security alarm at Community Hall, final payment : £660.00 | ||
Cluster Care : annual contribution : £100.00 | ||
I G & M Cobb Estate : annual rent for GB playground : £250.00 | ||
SW Services : March grass mowing : £205.00 | ||
CDC :winter half yearly dog bin emptying charge : £439.30 | ||
2004-60 | ||
2004-60.026 | Planning applications | Information |
20/00757/F : Mr&Mrs Birkett Hill Farm House Manor Rd, GB : revised application accessibility extns : SUPPORT | ||
20/00753/F : Mrs K North Home Farm barn, Southam Rd, LB : cladding & windows to barn : OBJECT | ||
20/00787/F : Mr&Mrs Prestidge, The Old School, School Lane, GB : conservatory : SUPPORT | ||
20/00908/F : Mr&Mrs Boxall, Holly Cottage, Main Street, GB : single storey extn : SUPPORT | ||
Decisions | ||
No new decisions | ||
Enforcement matters | Information | |
2004-60.027 | 20/00096/ENF : Little Bourton Acres, Hanwell Lane, GB : investigation into reported work to support wholesale/retail activities closed. Confirmation that planning permission required should work proceed. | |
2004-70 | Correspondence | |
2004-70.028 | A letter was received from CDC requesting a suitable locally significant name for new service road to three houses to be built off School Lane. The councillors AGREED ‘Claridge Close’ to reflect the old field name for this area and the ‘no-through-road’ nature of the road. Neighbouring residents are being consulted. | Information |
2004-70.029 | Various communication from local official bodies providing information re Coronavirus, circulated and info published on website where relevant. | Information |
2004-80 | New business | |
No new business raised. | ||
2004-04 | County & District Councillors report | |
In the absence of County & District Cllrs, no new information. | ||
Date of next meeting : Tuesday May 12th at 7.30pm as a virtual meeting unless current restrictions lifted. | ||
Meeting closed at 20:35 hrs | ||
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 15/04/20. |
Bourtons Parish Council Meeting Draft Minutes April 2020
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