BPC draft Minutes January 2019 meeting

DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on                                                                                                                Tuesday January 8th 2019 at 19:30
Present : Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman),  Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker, D Drummond
In attendance : S Bowen (Clerk), CCllr/DCllr G Reynolds  Apologies : DCllr P Chapman (Other Council meetings)
Declarations of Interest : None
Public Participation : There were 4 members of the public in attendance.
Minutes : The previous meeting (November ’18) minutes were received and APPROVED.
Minute ref Item Delegated to
Public Participation 2 members of the public attended to raise their concern about the removal of a hedgerow in School Lane, and the lack of consultation of local neighbours by the new owner, although it was recognised that there might be no legal requirement to do so.  They advised that on Sunday 6th January, a man understood to be the new owner of the land had arrived to remove ivy from the hedge, but had removed the entire hedge.  He confirmed he had purchased the land recently and was tidying and repairing the boundaries.  The matter was noted and will be further investigated. The owner of the land is to be confirmed and written to regarding his actions.                                                                                                                                                                                                     2 members of the church attended to liaise in discussion over commemoration in event of death of a senior person of state. Clerk    Chairman  Cllr Mrs Upton
1910-01.255 Report received from Footpath Warden noting following concerns : Information
Problems remain on Bridleway 14 across Peewit Farm & the Council is continuing to press OCC for action. Clerk
Footpath 16 along the Oxford canal is starting to show erosion issues.  To be referred to OCC and C&RT Clerk
1910-01.256 Clerk reported that no further progress has been made by OCC in resolving the problems at Peewit Farm, principally due to no response from the Environment Agency.  He advised that he had offered to take the matter up directly with the EA and awaits info from OCC. Clerk
1910-02 Highways & Road defects – Progress Report
1910-02.257 No further update.  Next highways inspection due mid March. Information
1910-02.258 The proposal for OCC to erect signage on local roads warning against use by HGV’s visiting Chipping Warden airfield, to be funded by OCC Highways with the support of the local fund administered by CCllr G Reynolds was warmly received. Information
1910-02.259 The announcement by Oxford Growth Board to allocate funds to developing a new M40 restricted junction on the Southam Road was noted.  CCllr Reynolds advised that the funds allocated would need to be spent within the next 5 years.  Concern was expressed regarding potential increase in congestion on the Southam Road.  Investigation and planning application awaited. Information
1910-02.260 The ongoing lack of action regarding the Manor Road street light was noted and CCllr Reynolds was asked to provide details of the recently appointed new street lighting contractor who would be contacted by this Council. CCllr Reynolds     Clerk
1910-03 Village benches – Progress Report
1910-03.261 Discussions have taken place with Mr A Taylor who has agreed to undertake this task and paint has been provided.  Our thanks to Mr Taylor for his support in concluding this matter. Information
1910-04 Defibrillators – Progress Report
1910-04.262 Both inspected and OK Information
1910-04.263 A quote has been provided to relocate the LB defibrillator to the former BT kiosk, and a second will be sought. Clerk
1910-05 Website development – Progress Report.
1910-05.264 New pages for Community Hall in development and enhancements to ensure compliance with the Transparency Code. Information
1910-05.265 All Cllrs now using the new .gov.uk email addresses, contact details to be communicated throughout the Parish. Clerk
1910-06 Garners Field development – Progress Report
1910-06.266 Progress continues but the pace has slowed due to lack of sub contractors and the market.  A meeting is to be sought with HH to discuss progress on a number of issues. Available councillors and clerk to attend. Clerk
1910-06.267 The resignation of Ms Gooderham from HH was noted and our thanks to her support was expressed. Information
1910-07 Playgrounds & Public Spaces
1910-07.268 GB inspection :  all in order, small amount of litter. Information
1910-07.269 LB inspection : all in order but there is still a significant litter problem.  It is hoped with the reopening of schools this might reduce.  The additional litter bin is to be ordered for the shelter. Clerk
1910-07.270 A meeting was held recently with TVP PCSO’s to discuss the litter/anti social behaviour problem and it was AGREED that additional patrols by PCSO’s would be undertaken. Information
1910-08 Allotments
1910-08.271 All rents now paid.  No vacancies and a waiting list for plots has been opened. Information
1910-08.272 The winter delivery of manure is to be expedited. Chairman
1910-09 Public transport
No updates.
1910-10 Village Hall / Community Hall
1910-10.273 A meeting was held recently with TVP PCSO’s to discuss the anti social behaviour problem and it was AGREED that additional patrols by PCSO’s would be undertaken. Information
1910-10.274 Warning signs are to be ordered for the oil tank area concerning the dangers of flammable liquids Cllr Mrs Upton
1910-10.275 It was RESOLVED to accept the original quote from Mr Stanley for replacement of the oil tank cover. Clerk
1910-10.276 Mr Law is to be contacted regarding the repainting of white lines on the steps.
1910-10.277 A meeting is to be arranged with Aplins to discuss the process for legal handover of the Community Hall. Clerk and chairman to attend. Clerk
1910-11 Healthcare
1910-11.278 No updates.  Mr Fisher to be contacted regarding progress with the Keep the Horton campaign. Current pressures at Cropredy surgery were discussed. Cllr Johnson
1910-50 Finance & Administration
1910-50.279 4 payments were APPROVED totalling £1009.25.  In compliance with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are detailed below : Information
K C Graphics : meetings/support with website : £189.00
The Financial Report for December & January had been circulated and was APPROVED. Information
1910-50.280 The situation regarding the continuation of the CTRS grant from CDC to PC’s was raised at the last Parish Liaison meeting and clarification has been received from CDC that they intend to cascade the grant in the 2019/20 FY, subject to approval by full council in February, but that policy in future year’s is under review.  Our precept calculation has assumed that this will be approved. Information
1910-50.281 The proposal to increase the Precept by £297 which represents 2.51% increase on the previous year was ACCEPTED. The principal reason for this increase is a reduction in Fairport ticket sales from 110 (our allocation) to 94. Due to the method of presenting the Precept on Council Tax bills by CDC, which takes account of growth in the local tax base this will appear as an increase of 2.41% on Council Tax bills.  It was RESOLVED that the Clerk submit this precept demand to CDC. Information
1910-50.282 The question of provision of support to the new Community Hall was discussed and it was noted that the Council has previously AGREED to earmark £10k from the general reserve account for capital spend on equipment. Information
1910-50.283 Grants are being applied for funding in support of the set-up of the new Community Hall, and a potential grant may be available from CDC, which should be applied for by the building owner, namely this Council.  It was RESOLVED that should this grant application be successful, but there was a delay in the physical transfer of the funds, the Council may make a loan, terms & conditions to be agreed at that time. Information
1910-60 Planning applications
1910-60.284 New applications Information
18/02030/F – Change of use, land on Hardwick Hill, for cemetery purposes : no objection
18/02010/Q56 – Home Farm Barn, barn conversion to dwelling : restate previous objections
Decisions no new decisions received. Information
1910-70 Correspondence
1910-70.285 The email advising of risks for traffic emerging onto Southam Road from Chapel Lane, LB was noted.  Discussions with TVP, and OCC Highways indicate that there is a reluctance to enforce parking restrictions in former bus laybys, unless there is evidence of significant obstruction etc. It was RESOLVED that a quote be obtained, and accepted if considered reasonable, for cleaning the bus shelter to improve visibility. Chairman
1910-70.286 Email received from a resident regarding a planning enforcement matter.  This is to be investigated and the resident encouraged to report the matter directly to CDC Planning Enforcement. Information
1910-70.287 Following withdrawal of the appeal regarding land adjacent to GB-Cropredy road, CDC advise that further enforcement action is anticipated shortly. Information
1910-80 New business
1910-80.288 A member of the PCC attended  at our invitation to discuss the need to plan for the future regarding the demise of a senior member of royalty.  It was RESOLVED that the Chairman would attend the next PCC meeting and both Councils would work to agree a suitable plan of action. Chairman
1910-90 County Councillors report
1910-90.289 CCllr provided his comments throughout the meeting and they are referenced above, where appropriate. Information
1910-91 District Councillors report
Apologies have been reported from DCllr Chapman, so no further comments are available. Information
Date of next meeting : Tuesday February 12th in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm.

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