Draft Minutes of the November 18 Parish Council Meeting

DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on                                                                                  Tuesday November 13th 2018 at 19:00
Present : Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman),  Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker
In attendance : S Bowen (Clerk), CCllr/DCllr G Reynolds (until 8pm, apol.another meeting), DCllr D Webb.  David Drummond
Declarations of Interest : None
Public Participation : There were 2 members of the public in attendance for the Planning Enforcement presentation.
Minutes : The previous meeting (October) minutes were received and APPROVED.
Minute ref Item Delegated to
Planning Enforcement A presentation was delivered by Mr David Morren, CDC Planning Enforcement Manager & Ms Amy Sedman CDC Enforcement Team Leader who had agreed to address the meeting on the procedures and limitations of CDC enforcement action, following an earlier exchange of correspondence.  It was explained that while general questions from the floor would be answered, any specific issues raised would be answered by email to the Clerk in the following days. Information
1811-01 Footpaths – Progress Report
1811-01.216 Updated report received from Footpath Warden, concerns will be sent to OCC for action. Clerk
1811-01.217 The Clerk reported that a response had been received from OCC regarding the situation at Peewit Farm indicating that this matter is proving difficult to resolve, but that OCC are continuing to work on a resolution. Information
1811-01.218 This issue of recording old unregistered footpaths on the official Permissive Paths Map was extensively discussed and the Chairman proposed a vote to resolve how much effort the Council should invest in this work.  This was not carried and no further action is planned at this time.  Further background information is being sought. Information
1811-02 Highways & Road defects – Progress Report
1811-02.219 Some potholes repairs completed  this week but many remain which will be discussed with OCC inspector. Cllr Mrs Upton
1811-02.220 Clerk reported that a map had been received from OCC clarifying status of The Green.  This confirms that the diagonal metalled track, and the surround area of grass, as far as the bend in front of Ivy Cottage is highway and therefore owned by and the responsibility of OCC. The path beside the village hall, linking School Lane with Main Street was also adopted by Highways. Information
1811-02.221 Clerk also stated that the map confirmed that the parking area adjacent to Prospect Cottages on Main Street is also part of the highway as is the area next to junction with Crow Lane. Information
1811-03 Village benches – Progress Report
1811-03.222 An arrangement has been reached with a resident to complete the restoration of the benches by painting the supporting metal frameworks. and the green paint previously purchased will be used. Information
1811-04 Defibrillators – Progress Report
1811-04.223 Both machines inspected and OK. Information
1811-04.224 Arrangements need to be made to manage the relocation of the LB machine to the former BT telephone kiosk. Clerk
1811-05 Website development – Progress Report.
1811-05.225 New pages to support the Community Hall are being added. Information
1811-05.226 A meeting has been arranged to finalise launch of .gov.uk emails for Council/Cllrs. Clerk
1811-06 Garners Field development – Progress Report
1811-06.227 Copies of recent building inspector reports had not been circulated by CDC, now rectified.  Latest report shows major concerns about lack of progress with Hall and potential water damage to structure caused by unfinished installation of windows and guttering.  Council to write to HH expressing their concerns in the strongest terms. Clerk
1811-06.228 The promised operating cost contribution from HH has still not been resolved.  Clerk to remind HH [Mr R Everest] of this promise and seek confirmation. Clerk
1811-07 Playgrounds & Public Spaces
1811-07.229 GB playground inspection : exceptionally tidy due to local resident(s) undertaking clean-up work.  Council expresses their thanks for this. Information
1811-07.230 LB playground inspection : much litter strewn about, particularly around shelter and also thrown into neighbouring field.  RESOLVED to purchase a further litter bin to be installed on shelter.  Evidence of alcohol consumption, use of byelaws to be investigated to see if action can be taken.  Matter to be reported to Police and their support sought.  Reports about late night disturbances in playground, parents are reminded that the area is for the use of younger children and teenagers should be discouraged from congregating there after dusk. Anti-social behaviour will be notified to the relevant authorities. Clerk
1811-08 Allotments
1811-08.231 Only 1 rent invoice remains unpaid as at meeting.  Notification of payment received today. Information
1811-08.232 All plots now let.  Waiting list created with 1 member. Information
1811-09 Public transport
1811-09.233 Analysis of responses to Transport Needs Survey circulated.  Insufficient requirements to justify new bus service. Information
1811-09.234 No success in contacting GM of Stagecoach Oxford, efforts to be redoubled. Cllr Mrs Upton
1811-09.235 Out of hours school transport opportunity deemed unsuitable by coach company manager. Information
1811-10 Village Hall
1811-10.236 Revised quote received for oil tank repairs.  Further investigation required before proceeding. Information
1811-10.237 Safety around oil tank discussed again.  Teenagers are causing the damage to the cover and must be discouraged from climbing on top of tank.  Evidence of smoking in area.  Potentially very dangerous, parents are again encouraged to warn their children of the dangers of smoking near flammable liquids.  Police will be asked for support.  Warning sign to be installed. Clerk
1811-11 Healthcare
1811-11.238 No update available.
1811-50 Finance & Administration
1811-50.239 The financial report for November was presented and APPROVED. Information
1811-50.240 6 payments totalling £1,590.50 were APPROVED.  In compliance with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are detailed below : Information
Bourton News : annual fee for including minutes : £100
SW Services : Sept-Oct mowing charge : £565
K C Graphics : website hosting/support fee : £468
1811-50.241 Clerk circulated 1st draft of 2019/20 budget for Cllrs consideration. Spend has been reviewed and reduced where possible to minimise monetary impact on precept & residents.  Clarification is required from CDC on the 2019 payment of CTRS (Council Tax Revenue Support), promised before end of month.   This could reduce our income as could the reduction in sales of Fairport tickets and we have reflected the reduced income in this budget. Decision on precept required in January. Information
1811-52 Council administration
1811-52.242 Previously circulated calendar for 2019 meetings was APPROVED. Information
1811-52.243 Previously circulated Risk Assessment was APPROVED. Information
1811-52.244 Mr David Drummond was formally co-opted onto the Council, following discussions.  His formal papers will be lodged with CDC. Information
1811-54 Data protection
1811-54.245 Clerk attended GDPR update training meeting.  No changes, confirmation that Parish Councils are very low level of interest for ICO, and that we are compliant  with regulations. Information
1811-60 Planning applications
1810-60.246 18/10751/F : change of use at former Banbury Postiche works to light industrial : it was RESOLVED that we should not object. Information
1811-60.247 Decisions : None notified by CDC
1811-70 Correspondence
1811-70.248 Email received from Jane Wimbury [editor of Broadsheet] that Ms Sue Ong has been appointed new editor from January following  Mrs Wimbury’s retirement from the post.  Letters to be sent thanking Mrs Wimbury and welcoming Mrs Ong. Clerk
1811-70.249 Communication received from group of parishes in the south of Cherwell concerning proposals announced by Oxfordshire Growth Board in response to an update regarding requirement for a further 100,000 new houses.  Council currently feels that this will not significantly impact this community and will not respond. Information
1811-70.250 Email received from a resident regarding planning enforcement & footpath matters.  Both were referred to relevant OCC Officers and the resident reports progress in reaching a satisfactory conclusion. Information
1811-80 New business
1811-80.251 Work continues on development of welcome pack for new residents and latest version to be circulated to Cllrs for review. Cllr Mrs Upton
1811-80.252 Quotes received from Smith of Derby regarding dial restoration and possible electrification of mechanism of Parish Clock are significant sums.  Investigation into potential grant funding is to be undertaken and liaison with Friends of Church who are fundraising for tower renovation works to ensure no overlap. Clerk                  Cllr Mrs Upton
1811-90 County & District Councillors report
1811-90.253 CCllr Reynolds left following Planning Enforcement presentation. Information
1811-90.254 DCllr Webb commented on work requested in Stanwell Lane to remove laurel hedge and replace with fence, but as not in conservation area, no permission required, but discussions with neighbours recommended. Information
Date of next meeting : Tuesday January 8th 2019 in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at 21:40 hrs
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 14/11/18.

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