Draft Minutes of the BPC October meeting

DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on                                                                                                                Tuesday October 9th 2018 at 19:30
Present : Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman),  Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker
In attendance : S Bowen (Clerk), CCllr/DCllr G Reynolds  Apologies : Cllrs C Upton (private), D Walker (business) D.Cllr P.Chapman (CDC meeting)
Declarations of Interest : None
Public Participation : There was 1 member of the public in attendance. who raised issues on lack of power to street light in Manor Rd, allotment rent and gate code, and Stanwell Lane name sign.
Minutes : The previous meeting (September) minutes were received and APPROVED.
Minute ref Item Delegated to
Public Participation Report received that the new street light in Manor Road has not been connected to the electricity.  To be queried with OCC & Western Power Clerk
Report received that the backing board of the road name sign on Stanwell Lane has rotted and requires replacement. Cllr Mrs Upton
Request from close relation of a GB resident regarding qualification criteria for allocation of affordable houses in Garners Field.  To be discussed with CDC. Cllr Mrs Upton    Chairman
1810-01 Footpaths – Progress Report
1810-01.175 Report received from footpath warden, and appropriate comments about footpaths 1, 2, 5, 8 & 15 have been passed to OCC RoW Officer, who expressed thanks for the info and will walk the paths in the coming days, action to follow from OCC. Clerk
1810-01.176 Further work is required re RoW Definitive paths map to ensure all such paths are shown to protect them, before 2026.  Any residents who have info should contact a Cllr. To be investigated with, OCC Highways, RoW and Land Registry.                Clerk
> South View : link path from garages to main road
> Diagonal path : School Lane to Main Street (part of The Close development)
> Path : Village Hall to School Lane
> The Green : should lane across The Green be included on map; who owns and is responsible?
1810-02 Highways & Road defects – Progress Report
1810-02.177 33 substantial potholes have been identified, but some do not exceed OCC min size for repair.  To be discussed with OCC Highways inspector. Cllr Mrs Upton
1810-02.178 Response from Thames Water re sunken trench opposite Garners Field is awaited.  Further discussions required. Clerk
1810-02.179 Response from OpenReach re sunken trench near Crow Lane indicates further work on roadside box needed and trench may have to be reopened.  To be monitored. Cllr Mrs Upton
1810-03 Village benches – Progress Report
1810-03.180 We have been advised that repair arrangements with contractor to repair benches will not be completed and discussions ongoing to find a replacement repairer and reach an arrangement. Clerk
1810-04 Defibrillators – Progress Report
1810-04.181 Both machines reported OK. Location and contact details have been re-registered with South Central Ambulance Service. Information
1810-04.182 Contact to be made with Mr Aldred re connection of former BT kiosk in LB to power to provide new home for defibrillator. Clerk
1810-05 Website development – Progress Report.
1810-05.183 Nothing new to report, but implementation of new emails to be expedited. Clerk
1810-06 Garners Field development – Progress Report
1810-06.184 Clarification to be sought regarding allocation criteria for affordable houses and release date. Chairman
1810-07 Playgrounds & Public Spaces
Due to absence of Cllr Upton no report received, to be followed up. Information
1810-07.185 Burial ground markers being installed by Mr D Upton, thanks expressed, further new markers have been ordered & a new row of plots will be marked out. Information
1810-08 Allotments
1810-08.186 1 plot available, no new applications received. Information
1810-08.187 Vacant plot to be added to maintenance list. Clerk
1810-08.188 A number of sheds have been broken into and some equipment has been stolen; reported to Police.  Tenants to be reminded not to leave valuable things on site, PC insurance does not provide cover for personal property. Clerk
1810-08.189 Rents due later this month, invoices to be issued.  Tenants requested to please pay promptly. Clerk
1810-09 Public transport
1810-09.190 Analysis of transport needs survey responses continues, report expected later in month. Cllr Walker
1810-09.191 Meeting with Stagecoach Oxford to be requested to discuss options for limited  bus service. Cllr Mrs Upton
1810-09.192 Discuss potential for out-of-hours use of school bus to provide service to Banbury with Cheney Coaches Clerk
1810-09.193 Research how many residents have OCC bus passes. Clerk
1810-10 Village Hall
1810-10.194 Quote requested from Red Horse Fuels re protective measures around oil tank.  Awaited. Other contractors being contacted for quotes. Cllr Mrs Upton
1810-11 Healthcare
1810-11.195 HOSC (combined oversight committee) have advised that reinstatement of consultant led maternity provision at The Horton is recommended. Information
1810-11.196 Offer of remote GP consultation by internet/phone being promoted by Babylon Health.  Cropredy Surgery advises that this poses a significant threat to all GP surgeries if rolled out nationally. Information
1810-11.197 Direct Mail from Pharmacy2U promoting prescriptions by post threatens Cropredy Surgery dispensing service and should be avoided by residents to ensure continued availability of current pharmacy service. Information
1810-50 Finance & Administration
1810-50.198 The financial report for October was presented and APPROVED. Information
1810-50.199 5 payments totalling £1402.77 were APPROVED.  In compliance with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are detailed below : Information
Moore Stephens : External Audit fee : £240.00
CDC : ½year dog bin emptying : £768.77
Prysebros Ltd : autumn weedkill treatment : £294.00
1810-50.200 The external auditors reports has been received and was ACCEPTED.  This will be displayed on the noticeboards and website to comply with transparency regulations. Information
1810-50.201 It was RESOLVED to reappoint the internal auditor, Arrow Accounting, for this financial year on the lower cost agreement with a digital remote audit, excluding a visit. Clerk
1810-50.202 The updated Parish Asset register was presented and Cllrs are requested to review and provide comments.  It was noted that this now contains replacement values for “at risk” items as required by our insurers. Clerk
1810-52 Council administration
1810-52.203 It was RESOLVED to appoint Norris & Fisher/Ageas as our insurers for the coming year, on a single year agreement, but advising them that subject to good service we will seek a 3 year protected premium agreement next year. Clerk
1810-52.204 Cllrs continue to promote the need for a new Councillor and any interested residents are encouraged to contact the Chairman, a Councillor or the Clerk to express their interest. Information
1810-60 Planning applications
1810-60.205 New applications
No new applications have been received this month Information
1810-60.206 It was RESOLVED to formally respond to the consultation on 18/01614/F Bellway Homes increase in number of dwellings at Hanwell View, making explicit comments on the related noise bund and fencing extension and the significant increase in noise pollution this has created in LB. Clerk
No decisions notified this month. Information
1810-60.207 It was RESOLVED to write to CDC Planning Enforcement team, in response to their email and accept their offer to present to Council on their revised approach to Enforcement.  We shall propose a 45 minute session starting at 7pm in November meeting. Information
1810-60.208 It was RESOLVED to reply to Mr Lombard’s email advising that due to time pressures an opportunity to present to Council this year could not be fitted into the agenda, but the option of arranging a public presentation to the village is always available to him, and the village hall could be made available at a small cost. Clerk
1810-60.209 The exchange of emails between a resident and CDC Planning enforcement regarding Land Parcel 2783 was NOTED and we await the outcome of the applicants appeal to the Planning Inspector. Information
1810-70 Correspondence
No new correspondence requiring discussion has been received. Information
1810-80 New business
1810-80.210 Work on the new village Welcome Pack continues and information on healthcare and Cropredy School has now been provided by Cllr Johnson.  Updated information on the Church is required. List of further information required to be shared with cllrs. Cllr Mrs Upton
1810-80.211 Quotations for restoration work on the Parish Clock face, to be coordinated with repairs to the Bell Tower, have been requested from 4 potential contractors, but only 1 has responded.  Further details have been provided and a detailed response is awaited. Clerk
1810-90 County Councillors report
1810-90.212 The work on separating CDC from SNDC continues apace.  The CEO has now taken up her new responsibilities at OCC and so is Joint CEO at both OCC & CDC. Information
1810-90.213 The first fruits of the future collaborative working of CDC with OCC have started with Trading Standards and Licensing officers now working together.  A big push to delete duplication from the restructured OCC organisation is underway. Information
1810-90.214 OCC have negotiated a new £80 million loan which will provide funding for an increased highways and schools budget. Information
1810-90.215 OCC are keen to promote Emergency Planning by parishes, especially provision for vulnerable or elderly residents, including the registration of particular needs with utility companies, and promotion of the ‘Message in a bottle’,scheme (personal details stored in the fridge for emergency services info) Information
Date of next meeting : Tuesday November 13th in the Village Hall, at 7.00pm.  {Provisional timings to allow for CDC Planning presentation, TBC}.
Meeting closed at 21:55  hrs
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 10/10/18.

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