DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on Tuesday September 11th 2018 at 19:30 | ||
Present : Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman), Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker, | ||
In attendance : S Bowen (Clerk), DCllr D Webb. Apologies : CCllr/DCllr G Reynolds (business); DCllr P Chapman (business) | ||
Declarations of Interest : None | ||
Public Participation : There were no members of the public in attendance. | ||
Minutes : The previous meeting (July) minutes were received and APPROVED. | ||
Minute ref | Item | Delegated to |
1803-01 | Footpaths – Progress Report | |
1809-01.137 | Due to personal matters no report was received from the Footpath Warden. Neither was an update provided by his assistant. | Information |
1809-02 | Highways & Road defects – Progress Report | |
1809-02.138 | No further communication has been received from Thames Water about the manhole cover in Manor Road despite phone calls requesting an update. Further efforts will be made. | Cllr Mrs Upton |
1809-02.139 | Increased responsibilities placed upon the Highways Inspector have prevented confirmation of the next inspection date. | Information |
1809-02.140 | The trench dug by Western Power to provide electricity to Garners Field has partially collapsed. It was RESOLVED that we will write requesting urgent reinstatement. | Clerk |
1809-02.141 | Openreach will be contacted regarding similar trench sinking where installation of cables for Broadband enhancement near junc Main Road and Crow Lane was carried out. | Clerk |
1809-03 | Village benches – Progress Report | |
1809-03.142 | A survey of the bench refurbishment confirmed that work is still outstanding. It was RESOLVED that we will formally write to the contractor requesting the urgent completion of this programme. | Clerk |
1809-03.143 | Different contactors are to be sought for the other out-standing maintenance tasks around the parish. | Cllrs |
1809-04 | Defibrillators – Progress Report | |
1809-04.144 | Both defibrillators inspected and OK. | Information |
1809-04.145 | The new owner of The Plough in LB has advised that he will not be able to continue to have the defibrillator located at the pub, due to earlier than expected building alterations. The former phone kiosk was acquired from BT as a new home for the defibrillator and it was RESOLVED that we should write to Western Power requesting their confirmation that the power supply there is robust and that we can connect to this. | Clerk |
1809-05 | Website development – Progress Report. | |
1809-05.146 | Work has started on creation of a new page for the Community Hall, complete with an online booking calendar system. | Information |
1809-05.147 | It was AGREED to expedite the launch of the new Council email addresses | Clerk |
1809-06 | Garners Field development – Progress Report | |
1809-06.148 | The PC are now receiving regular copies of reports from the building inspectors on site progress of the community hall. Further liaison meetings have been held between cllrs and the newly appointed Assistant Technical Director to confirm detailed provision within the hall. Completion is currently predicted for October, 2018. | Chairman Cllr Walker |
1809-06.149 | Approximately 50 responses to the Transport Needs Survey have been received and analysis has started. Report to follow. | Cllr Mrs Upton |
1809.06.150 | Hayfield Homes have published a Travel Information Pack to fulfill one of the planning conditions, and this will be published on the village website, once it is released. | |
1809-07 | Playgrounds & Public Spaces | |
1809-07.151 | GB inspection : very clean following work by a local resident to remove inappropriate items following reports of a disturbance and attendance by our local PCSO. | Information |
1809-07.152 | LB inspection : very clean following work by residents. PCSO’s will be encouraged to continue monitoring to prevent further problems with unruly young people. | Information |
1809-08 | Allotments | |
1809-08.153 | Confirmation received of termination of tenancy on Plot 2. It was RESOLVED, in consultation with the Tenants Committee, to refund the deposit. This plot will now be vacant. Tenants are to be reminded that all rent for the next year will be due on 15th October 2018 | Clerk |
1809-09 | Public transport | |
1809-09.154 | No updates, work continues to analyse results of Needs survey to support proposal to utilise s106 transport fund. | Information |
1809-10 | Village Hall / Community Hall | |
1809-10.155 | Communication has been continued between the parish council and the Village Hall Management Committee, but a planned meeting was deferred until there was further progress to be reported. | Information |
1809-10.156 | The first meeting of the Community Hall working party and the newly formed Management Committee has been held. The second meeting is scheduled 25th September. Any residents interested in joining the new committee should contact the Council Chairman. | Information |
1809-11 | Healthcare | Information |
1809-11.157 | Cllr Andrew Johnson has been invited to join the Cropredy Surgery Patient Participation Group. | Information |
1809-50 | Finance & Administration | |
1809-50.158 | The finance report for August and September was presented and APPROVED. | Information |
1809-50.159 | 6 payments totalling £763.50 were APPROVED in August. In compliance with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are detailed below : | Information |
Nigel Prickett : verge mowing : £270.00 | ||
Playsafety Ltd : annual playground safety inspections : £220.08 | ||
1809-50.160 | 5 payments totalling £1328.25 were APPROVED in September. In compliance with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are detailed below : | Information |
SW Services : grass mowing : £580.00 | ||
1809-50.161 | Following a recommendation in the Internal Auditor’s report regarding total reserves and those “earmarked” for special projects, a report was presented by the Clerk and was ACCEPTED. | Information |
1809-50.162 | Parish councillor vacancy: two residents have expressed tentative interest in this casual vacancy. Applications to join the council are invited from any eligible residents. | Information |
1809-50.163 | The Council’s 3 year insurance agreement with Came & Co expires in October and a review of the market has been completed, resulting in quotations being received. A very wide range of premiums have been quoted and references are to be sought from other PC clients of selected potential providers. | Clerk |
1809-60 | Planning | Clerk |
1809-60.164 | New applications | |
No new applications have been received. | Information | |
1809-60.165 | Decisions | |
18/01074/F 2 dwellings at Stonelea, School Lane, GB : REFUSED | Information | |
1809-60.166 | Land parcel 2783, which has been served with Enforcement Notices by CDC is now subject to a Planning Appeal, resulting in suspension of all action on Enforcement orders. Next steps are in the hands of the Planning Inspectorate with a decision expected later in the year. | Information |
1809-70 | Correspondence | |
1809-70.167 | A request from Mr W Lombard to attend a Council meeting regarding a potential future development was considered, and further information has been sought. | Clerk |
1809-70.168 | Letter received from a resident regarding the future of The Plough, LB has been circulated. It was RESOLVED that we should write to the new owner asking his intentions. | Clerk |
1809-70.169 | A request from a resident asking whether the underused dog bin in South View could be relocated has been received. This was considered and a potential new location on School Lane, close to junction with Main Street will be considered. | Information |
1809-80 | New business | Clerk |
1809-80.170 | Welcome pack : Information on healthcare for inclusion in the pack is to be provided. Information from village organisations is being requested. | Cllr Johnson |
1809-80.171 | Parish Clock : following advice that restoration work on the Clock Tower is to be undertaken in the future, consideration is to be given to refurbishment of the clock dials, at the time when scaffolding is in place. Quotations will be sought from experts. | Clerk |
1809-90 | County Councillors report | |
Apologies received from CCllr Reynolds, so no report available. | Information | |
1809.91 | District Councillors report | |
DCllr Webb made many contributions to Planning and Finance matters during meeting. | ||
It was indicated that the current CEO of CDC will take up her new combined position as CEO of OCC and CDC during October. | Information | |
Date of next meeting : Tuesday 9th October 2018 in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm. | ||
Meeting closed at 22:15 hrs | ||
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 12/09/18. |
Draft Minutes of the BPC Sept 18 Meeting
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