BPC Minutes of Meeting June 2020

DRAFT Minutes of the VIRTUAL meeting held online on                                                                                                                Tuesday June 9th 2020 at 19:30
Note : The Local Authorities & Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority & Police & Crime Panel Meetings) (England & Wales) Regulations 2020  allowed Parish Councils to convene their meetings virtually online.
In attendance online : Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman),  Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson,  D Walker, D Drummond; CCllr G Reynolds & S Bowen (Clerk) Apologies : Cllr C Upton, DCllr P Chapman.
Declarations of Interest : Cllr Mrs Upton (Burial Ground Warden)
Public Participation : NO  members of the public joined the meeting virtually.
Minutes : The previous Council meetings (May) minutes were received and APPROVED.
Minute ref Item Delegated to
2005-01 Footpaths – Progress Report
2006-04.052 Comment was made about recent communication from OCC about money available to invest in upgrades/repairs to cycle paths and footpaths and the Chairman asked if this could be used to repair country lanes often used as cycle and walking routes, especially the broken edges. CCllr Reynolds advised that he felt this unlikely and such repairs  should be requested through OCC Highways using the FixMyStreet as normal practice. Cllrs discussed the legality of cycling on footways alongside main roads where there is no designated cycle path. and Cllr Reynolds commented that this was an issue all around Banbury. Information
2006-01.053 A reminder has been sent to C&RT requesting urgent attention to the public R-o-W section of the towpath now in poor and dangerous state of repair. Information
2006-02 Highways & Road defects – Progress Report
2006-02.054 Further conversations with OCC Highways about repairs to School Lane after some other potholes were dealt with; no decision about when this will happen and it is expected to be extensive and costly. Cllr Mrs Upton
2005-04 Defibrillators – Progress Report
2006-04.055 LB working OK; update to be requested from Cllr Upton re GB unit. Clerk
2006-05 Website development – Progress Report.
Nothing to report
2006-06 Projects : Garners Field
2006-06.056 Reports from residents received confirming that the LAP is being used despite closure under Government regulations; this is an offence under Covid guidance. Gates have been resecured and new notices erected. Information
2006-06.057 The Garners Field Residents Association reports concerns about issues with the grounds management company contractor and the annual maintenance fee.  This is an ongoing matter and relates to issues with the LAP and surrounding public space, clarification is required from Hayfield Homes and CDC. Chairman & Clerk authorised by Council to work to resolve matter and report back at next meeting. Information
2006-07 Playgrounds & Public Spaces
2006-07.058 Playgrounds remain closed under Government Covid instructions at this time. Routine maintenance issues are being investigated. The clerk reported that the twice-yearly weed-killing spray of pavements, road edges and public spaces throughout both villages had been carried out in May.
2006-08 Allotments
2006-08.059 A new application has been received from a GB resident bringing the wait list to 6. Information
2006-09 Public transport
Nothing to report Information
2006-10 Halls
Village Hall: Currently closed in line with government instruction, to slow transmission of Covid-19. Information
Community Hall: Currently closed in line with government instruction, to slow transmission of Covid-19. Information
2006-10.060 Urgent request to be sent to CHMC requesting a response to the draft lease circulated many months ago. Clerk
2006-11 Healthcare
2006-11.061 Communication Cropredy Surgery confirmed they are coping well under new working processes.  They expressed concerns about new track & trace procedures advising that this could cause significant difficulties if they had to isolate whole teams of staff. Information
2006-11.062 The Surgery has made an application to extend their practice boundary as they have capacity for new patients now. Information
2006-50 Finance & Administration
2006-04.063 The financial report for June including receipts and payments had been previously circulated to Cllrs and was APPROVED. Information
6 payments totaling £1,709.23 were APPROVED.  To comply with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are listed below: Information
K C Graphics : website hosting : £210.60
Salary payments (consolidated) : £1,150.00
Prysebros Ltd : weedkill treatments : £294.00
2006-50.064 Concerns remain about the effect of the illness of our Internal Auditor who in currently unavailable to sign the AGAR to facilitate its submission.  Clerk to take advice about potential resolutions to this problem. Clerk
2006-60 Planning applications
New Applications Information
No new applications received
No new decisions
Enforcement matters
No updates
2006-70 Correspondence
2006-70.065 Various correspondence regarding Coronavirus has been received and where appropriate has been circulated and posted on the website. Information
2006-80 New business
2006-80.066 Letter received from Marie Curie requesting we consider making a donation.  The Policy of the Council is to focus charitable donations on local charities, or national charities when they have made a significant impact within the Parish.  Also at this time of pandemic our financial reserves will become stretched this year as we suffer the loss of circa £4k due to the cancellation of Fairport, so we have determined not to donate to this charity. Information
2006-80.067 The replacement of the Burial Ground Warden following the sad passing of Mr George Ennis has not been resolved.  The Chairman proposed that Mr David Upton be asked if he would take on the duties as they predominately concerned with physical activities at the Burial Ground with limited administrative work.  It was RESOLVED that this be actioned. Information
2006-90/91 County & District Councillors report
2006-91.068 No specific updates but CCllr Reynolds contributed to various topics discussed. Information
Date of next meeting : Tuesday July 14th at 7.30pm as a virtual meeting unless current restrictions lifted.
Meeting closed at 20:04  hrs
Minutes drafted by the Clerk  on 10/06/20.

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