Draft Minutes of the July Bourtons Parish Council Meeting

DRAFT Minutes of the VIRTUAL meeting held online on                                                                                                                Tuesday July 14th 2020 at 19:30
Note : The Local Authorities & Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority & Police & Crime Panel Meetings) (England & Wales) Regulations 2020  allowed Parish Councils to convene their meetings virtually online.
In attendance online : Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman),  Cllrs Mrs S Upton (2nd half), A Johnson,  D Walker, D Drummond; CCllr G Reynolds & S Bowen (Clerk) Apologies : Cllr C Upton, DCllr P Chapman.
Declarations of Interest : None
Public Participation : NO  members of the public joined the meeting virtually.
Minutes : The previous Council meetings (June) minutes were received and APPROVED.
Minute ref Item Delegated to
2007-01 Footpaths – Progress Report
2007-04.069 Discussion was held with the Footpath Warden and no new issues have been identified. Information
2007-01.070 Earlier report of a loose dog on FP 138/8 attacked someone causing clothing damage has been reported to the Dog Warden, but without permission from the landowner he is unable to take action to set a trap to catch the dog.  The matter was also reported to the RSPCA who showed no interest.  Anyone who experiences this problem should report it to the Police to ensure action is taken before a walker becomes seriously hurt. Information
2007-02 Highways & Road defects – Progress Report
2007-02.071 Most potholes now marked up for repair but no action yet taken by OCC and no update forthcoming from them. Information
2007-02.072 A brief for Cllrs was prepared regarding the areas within the 30 mph limits still awaiting mowing, this is now scheduled for August.  Efforts are being made to contact the OCC contractor, Skanska to ascertain who their local contractor is to see if we can negotiate additional cuts with them at Parish cost as previously.  No response yet but enquiries will continue. Clerk
2007-04 Defibrillators – Progress Report
2007-04.073 Both units inspected and reported OK. Information
2007-05 Website development – Progress Report.
Nothing to report
2007-06 Projects : Garners Field
2007-06.074 The LAP remains closed and enquiries will be made of CDC whether it can now be opened. Clerk
Projects : Clock restoration
2007-06.075 Date now arranged for initial work to install the auto-wind mechanism.  This will be supervised by the current clock winder and the PCC. Information
2007-07 Playgrounds & Public Spaces
2007-07.076 The annual safety inspection of both playgrounds has been completed by RoSPA Playsafety.  Some maintenance is required and the playgrounds will remain CLOSED until this has been completed.  Discussions taking place with a suitable contractor.  Residents are requested to obey the closure signs and keep children out of the playgrounds in the interests of their safety.  Notice to be placed on website to this effect. Cllr Mrs Upton
2007-08 Allotments
2007-08.077 A further request for a plot has been received bringing the wait list to 8, of which 3 are out of Parish but within the 2 mile allowed residential limit. Information
2007-08.078 A brief describing options to restrict out-of-parish applications was presented to Cllrs and it was RESOLVED that a temporary ban on such applications will be enacted until the wait list has been reduced.  Necessary changes to the allotment regs will be published and application forms modified. Clerk
2007-09 Public transport
2007-09.079 The minibus service to Banbury has recommenced and bookings can be made with Ability CIC.  Residents should note the new phone number : 01327 604123.  A new timetable has been published and this will be put on website and in Broadsheet. Information
2007-09.080 The funding agreement to release s106 Garners Field funds from OCC has been signed and returned and funds transfer is awaited.  This will be used to support the continuation of the service, and resident are encouraged to make use of the service to ensure viability. Information
2007-10 Halls
2007-10.081 Currently both Halls will remain closed while opportunities for opening in line with social distancing & cleaning requirements are investigated.  Both Halls are in receipt of funds from Government to support their finances during closure. Information
Community Hall: Information
2007-10.082 The draft lease sent to BCHMC is now with their solicitor and should be signed and returned soon. Information
2007-11 Healthcare
2007-11.083 The HOSC liaison committee is still awaiting a response regarding future Maternity care at The Horton. Information
2007-11.084 Cropredy Surgery’s application to have their boundaries extended has been agreed and now includes all of Middleton Cheney and Byfield.  New patient registration is open. Information
2007-50 Finance & Administration
2007-50.085 The financial report for July including receipts and payments had been previously circulated to Cllrs and was APPROVED. Information
2007-50.086 6 payments totaling £1722.17 were APPROVED.  To comply with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are listed below: Information
S W Services – May Mowing £565.00;  Arrow Accounting – internal audit fee £273.00;  S W Services – June mowing £515.00
Viking – stationary/consumables £114.78; Playsafety Ltd – playgrounds inspections £240.00
2007-50.087 The internal audit report has now been received along with the signed AGAR internal audit page.  The report contained no recommendations requiring action and all areas were satisfactory.  Council RESOLVED accept this report, which they did.  Cllrs expressed their satisfaction with another internal audit requiring no further actions. Information
2007-50.088 The completed AGAR Annual Governance Statement was presented to Council and the Clerk confirmed that as all questions had been correctly answered with “YES” it was in order for the statement to be approved.  Council RESOLVED to so authorised the Chairman to sign the Statement. Information
2007-50.089 The completed AGAR Accounting Statements for 2019/20 were presented to Council with a request from the Clerk that they be formally accepted and the Chairman authorised to sign.  Council RESOLVED to so authorise the Chairman. Information
The completed AGAR and supporting documents will now be submitted to the External Auditor and the Notice of Public Inspection will be posted on noticeboards and the website. Information
2007-51 Fairport
2007-51.090 This Council is aware that some events are being planned for the week commencing August 10th to celebrate Fairport in the absence of the Restival which has been cancelled and that this may bring additional traffic and people to Cropredy.  The matter has been discussed with Cropredy PC, as the responsible Council, who have advised that they plan no action and are leaving the matter in the hands of CDC and OCC. Information
2007-60 Planning applications
New Applications – none received. Information
Decisions Information
2007-60.091 20/01110/F : Stonelea,School Lane, GB  2 bungalows : approved with conditions
Enforcement matters – no updates. Information
2007-70 Correspondence
2007-70.092 Advice received from CDC that Parish Liaison Meeting will now be held as a virtual event on Teams and one representative can join, the Chairman has agreed to virtually attend. Proceedings of the meeting will be simultaneous webcast so that other councillors and members of the public can observe but not participate. Information
2007-70.093 Various correspondence regarding Coronavirus has been received and where appropriate has been circulated and posted on the website : Consultation in July/August re planning for post Covid-19; Planning for Cherwell to 2040 : a Community Involvement paper. Information
2007-80 New business
No new business was discussed.
2007-90/91 County & District Councillors report
2007-91.094 CCllr Reynolds advised that the issue of Oxfordshire becoming a unitary authority had again been raised and it could be anticipated that this will be re-investigated in the coming months. Information
Date of next meeting : Tuesday September 8th at 7.30pm as a virtual meeting unless current guidance is changed.
Meeting closed at 20:35
Minutes drafted by the Clerk  on 15/07/20.

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