DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on Tuesday February 13th, 2018 at 19:30 |
Present: Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman), Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson, C Upton, T Sowler, DCllr D Webb |
In attendance: Ms K Drummond (acting Clerk)
Apologies: S Bowen (medical), D Walker (personal), CCllr G Reynolds (County business) |
Declarations of Interest: Cllr A Johnson – Cluster Care |
Public Participation: There were no members of the public in attendance. |
Minutes: The previous meeting (January) minutes were received and APPROVED. |
Minute ref |
Item |
Delegated to |
1802-.01 |
Footpaths – Progress Report |
1802-01.438 |
Report received from footpath warden with some defects identified. These will be reported to OCC RoW Officer. |
Clerk |
1802-01.439 |
Meeting agreed between OCC RoW Officer and Peewit Farm still to be arranged. Reminder to be sent to OCC. |
Clerk |
1802-01.440 |
Following Footpath Warden’s decision to resign, an assistant warden has been appointed to assist. He will look after Great Bourton while the Warden will continue to look after Little Bourton |
Information |
1802-02 |
Highways & Road defects – Progress Report |
1802-02.441 |
Issues with drain covers on Crow Lane and Main Street have been reported. The previously reported raised manhole on Manor Road remains to be attended when weather improves, and this will be monitored. |
Clerk |
1802-02.442 |
The next survey by OCC Highways will be done in April, some work needs doing before then so will be reported as requiring attention, on fixmystreet. |
Cllr Mrs Upton Clerk |
1802-02.443 |
The side of the road next to Parnassus has slipped, this will also be reported. |
Clerk |
1802-02.444 |
The OCC Officers report on the proposed revised traffic calming and speed limit measures have been received. This recommends that the speed limit changes be adopted and the decision re traffic calming be deferred to allow for local consultation. These recommendations were accepted at the OCC Environmental committee meeting on 08/02/18. An on-site meeting has now been arranged with OCC engineers for 28/02/18 to discuss alternative calming proposals. The Chairman and Vice Chair will attend. The full report and related information is on the parish website and residents are encouraged to review and let the Council know their views and preferences. |
Information |
1802-02.445 |
A complaint has been received regarding lack of road sweeping in Spring Lane, Little Bourton, this will be followed up with CDC. |
Cllr Mrs Upton |
1802-03 |
Village benches – Progress Report |
1802-03.446 |
The recent poor weather has delayed the completion of the refurbishment. This will be completed shortly. |
Clerk |
1802-04 |
Defibrillators – Progress Report |
1802-04.447 |
Both defibrillators inspected and in good order. |
Information |
1802-04.448 |
The annual fee payable to the Village Hall is now due, previously this was set at £35, but data from the manufacturer shows this is excessive. It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Johnson that a fee of £10 be paid. A letter will be sent to the Village Hall Management Committee advising that this payment will be paid in March. |
Clerk |
1802-05 |
Website development – Progress Report. |
1802-05.449 |
Confirmation received from OALC that the application for a Transparency Code Grant has been successful and we have been awarded £2087.57. Outstanding items, a laptop and printer/scanner will now be purchased. |
Clerk |
1802-05.450 |
The current domain name must be re-registered by March 9th, 2018. This name is owned by Mr Seed who has been contacted to agree a way forward on ownership and registration. |
Cllr Mrs Upton |
1802-06 |
Garners Field development – Progress Report |
1802-06.451 |
Complaints received about mud on Main Street, have been forwarded to the site manager. Lorry wheels and the road are being cleaned by the builders frequently throughout the day. External contractors are causing some of the problem. The mud on the chicane will be discussed with them. |
Cllr Mrs Upton |
1802-06.452 |
OCC have not yet approved the connection of the road on the site to Main Street, this was expected to have been done and the roads put in much earlier, hardstanding areas are being laid as quickly as possible before the show home opens in March. |
Information |
1802-06.453 |
A meeting has been held with Hayfield Homes and the Community Hall Working Group to agree internal fixtures & fittings, all queries raised were satisfactorily answered. The completion date for the Hall was confirmed as September 2018. |
Information |
1802-06.454 |
The handover process for the new Hall needs to be confirmed & this will be discussed with CDC. |
Clerk |
1802-07 |
Playgrounds & Public Spaces |
1802-07.455 |
GB inspection: some litter collected but otherwise no issues. |
Information |
1802-07.456 |
LB inspection: one of the swing bolts has come loose and Cllr Upton has retightened it and secured it with Loctite. |
Information |
1802-07.457 |
The annual villages clean-up will take place on between March 2-19 in line with the national and CDC campaigns. Posters will be displayed on the website and noticeboards asking for volunteers to help from the villages. Equipment can be collected from The Red house, School Lane. Cllrs took individual responsibility for the following areas: |
Information |
Chairman: Spring Lane, LB; Southam Road. Cllr Mrs Upton: Crow Lane; School Lane; The Close; South View, GB. |
Cllr Sowler: Uplands Rise; Buzzards Close; Chapel Lane, LB. Cllr C Upton: Main Street to railway bridge, GB. |
A combined effort will be made on Foxden Way. |
1802-08 |
Allotments |
1802-08.458 |
Confirmation has been received that registration of the Claridges Piece site has now been finalised by the Land Registry. |
Information |
1802-08.459 |
No new applications re vacancies. |
Information |
1802-08.460 |
The former site at Stonepits had to be vacated by January 31st, 2018. An update on the legal position will be obtained. |
Clerk |
1802-09 |
Public transport |
1802-09.461 |
Notification has been received of the usage figures and confirmation that the charge for County Connect will be £413.00. |
Information |
1802-09.462 |
Based on the recent announcement by Northamptonshire CC, it is likely that their subsidy will be removed, and the service discontinued after March. Further details will be provided when known. |
Information |
1802-09.463 |
The Chairman & Cllr Walker are to investigate other options as previously minuted, money is available through the s106 agreement re Garners Field if a credible option can be found. Stagecoach will be pressed regarding extension of their proposed service to Hanwell View. |
Chairman, Cllr Walker, Clerk |
1802-10 |
Village Hall |
1802-10.464 |
A quote is being obtained to replace/repair the oil tank cover. |
Cllr C Upton |
1802-11 |
Healthcare |
1802-11.465 |
No further updates. |
Information |
1802-50 |
Finance & Administration |
1802-50.466 |
The financial statement for January was received and APPROVED. |
Information |
1802-53.467 |
A total of 8 payments totalling £1,037.65 were APPROVED to be paid in February. In compliance with Transparency Code regulations those in excess of £100 are detailed below. A full listing of all payments is shown at the end of these minutes. |
Information |
– Cluster Care – annual donation – £100.00 |
– SW Services – annual hedge cutting at Play and Burial Grounds – £570.00 |
– OALC – training places – £186.00 |
1802-53 |
Policies & Procedures |
1802-53.468 |
A review of the updated Financial Regulations by the Chairman has identified some paragraphs that are not relevant, these will be moved to the end of the document rather than being deleted and lost. The updated regulations were APPROVED by the Council. |
Information |
1802-54 |
1802-54.469 |
Data Protection |
1802-54.470 |
Our renewal of registration with the Information Commissioners Office has been accepted. |
Clerk |
The Clerk is unavailable to attend training for the new General Data Protection Regulations [GDPR] courses, and an enquiry will be made of CDC to see if they are planning any briefings for local Clerks. |
Information |
1802-60 |
Planning applications |
1802-60.471 |
New applications |
Information |
18/00004/F Mrs Ryder, Cedars, 8 Uplands Rise, LB: Rebuild of rear extension. |
Decisions |
Information |
1802-60.472 |
No new decisions have been advised. |
1802-60.473 |
Notification has been received that Catesby Estates are appealing the refusal of their application for 37 houses adjacent to Station Road, Cropredy. |
Information |
1802-60.474 |
No further developments with enforcements actions, an update is anticipated w/c Feb 19th and CCllr D Webb will chase this. If no update is received a letter will be sent to CDC. |
CCllr Webb Clerk |
1802-70 |
Correspondence |
1802-70.475 |
Copies of several letters from residents were received regarding the changes proposed by OCC Highways to the speed limit and traffic calming measures in Main Street as a result of the Garners Field development. Details of these are contained in the OCC Officers report viewable on the Council website. |
Information |
1802-70.476 |
Following a letter from Cluster Care, it was AGREED to make a donation equal to last year’ sum. |
Information |
1802-80 |
New business |
1802-80.477 |
A report has been received from the CDC Chief Executive of her comments on the recent Peer Review, together with a copy of the full Peer Review report. |
Information |
1802-80.478 |
A query was raised regarding expenditure cuts announced by Northamptonshire CC and any repercussions these would have on CDC because of their links with SNDC. |
Clerk |
1802-80.479 |
A temporary regulation order notice has been received from OCC Highways advising of the closure of Main Street from March 6th to April 20th to facilitate foul sewer works. This seems an extraordinarily long closure, and this will be discussed with Hayfield Homes to try and find a more time efficient way of working to reduce the duration of the closure. |
Clerk |
1802-90 |
County Councillors report |
1802-90.480 |
An apology has been received from CCllr G Reynolds due to an overrunning budget meeting, so no County information was available. |
Information |
1802.91 |
District Councillors report |
1802-91.481 |
There was a short discussion about house building to support Oxford City’s shortfall and where these may be built. |
Information |
1802-91.482 |
There was a short discussion regarding the Oxford Growth Strategy and the Oxford-Cambridge corridor. |
Information |
Date of next meeting: Tuesday March 13th in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm. |
Meeting closed at 21:05 hrs |
Minutes taken by Ms K Drummond (to whom thanks are expressed) and drafted by the Clerk on 16/02/18. |
Signed |
Cllr Mrs S Leszczynski, Chairman |