Draft Minutes of the Bourtons Parish Council – June meeting

DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on                                                                                                               Tuesday June 13th 2018 at 19:30
Present : Cllrs Mrs S Upton (acting Chairman), A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker,
In attendance : S Bowen (Clerk), D.Cllr P Chapman   Apologies : Cllr Mrs S Leszczynski; CCllr/D.Cllr G Reynolds
Declarations of Interest : None
Public Participation : There were no members of the public in attendance.
Minutes : The previous meeting (May) minutes were received and APPROVED.
Minute ref Item Delegated to
1806-01 Footpaths – Progress Report
1806-01.066 The Clerk advised that no update from OCC had been received regarding resolution of the footpath issue at Peewit Farm.
The contents of a resident’s letter advising of problems with footpath 138/8 will be passed to the OCC Rights of Way Officer for investigation Clerk
1806-02 Highways & Road defects – Progress Report
Some of the potholes resulting from the use of Foxden Way as a diversion route have been repaired but several remain.  These are to be reported again to the Highways Inspector. Cllr Mrs Upton
The raised manhole cover in Manor Road has been seen by the OCC Highways Inspector and confirmed as a Thames Water responsibility.  This will be followed up again with TW. Cllr Mrs Upton
The Clerk presented a report on the potential use of weight restrictions to prevent unecessary HGV travel through our villages. Information
An email had been received from Mr Waseley at OCC Highways regarding the matter of HGV’s travelling to Chipping Warden industrial estate on country lanes.  A reply is to be sent to  requesting further information on his proposal to create an official HGV route to enable Council to take a decision about support for the proposal and to be copied to CCllr George Reynolds. Clerk
1806-03 Village benches – Progress Report
Final completion of the benches refurbishment project is to be expedited. Clerk
1806-04 Defibrillators – Progress Report
Inspections completed and both machines reported OK Information
1806-05 Website development – Progress Report.
The first training session for the Chairman & Clerk on uploading information has been completed. Information
Upgrades to the website in connection with GDPR have been completed. Information
The invoice for provision of the new .gov.uk domain name and emails has been received and the new address is expected to be live very shortly. Information
1806-06 Garners Field development – Progress Report
No specific update but phase 2 of the development has started. Information
1806-07 Playgrounds & Public Spaces
GB inspection : equipment in good order but there is a litter problem again.  Residents are asked to remind their children who use the playground that a rubbish bin is provided and should be used. Information
LB inspection : the play equipment is in good order but the adult gym equipment is very stiff, due to lack of use.  Our maintenance company will be asked to visit and service this equipment.  A notice is to be placed on the website reminding residents of this equipment and encouraging use. Information
The damaged dog bin has been removed. Information
It was noted that further concrete has been placed around the drain by the layby, presumably to encourage floodwater to divert into the gully rather than down the lane. Information
During this months’ inspection a mobile phone was found.  A notice will be placed on the website.  If this is yours please contact Cllr Mrs Upton.(758398) Information
Council has been advised that the annual RoSPA safety inspection of both playgrounds will take place in July. Information
1806-08 Allotments
The Clerk advised that 50% of the GDPR data retention consent forms have been returned and a final reminder communication has been sent to tenants.  Cllrs will be advised of non responding tenants to personally chase. Information
A further application for a plot has been received and once processed we will have NO available plots.  A waiting list will be started. Information
1806-09 Public transport
A transport needs survey is being developed and will be issued shortly. Cllr Walker
Council has been in contact with Community First Oxfordshire regarding future options for new bus routes and they are investigating the possibility of an extension to the proposed route to serve the new Hanwell View development of Southam Road. Information
1806-10 Village Hall
No update
1806-11 Healthcare
No update
1806-50 Finance & Administration
The June financial report was received and APPROVED. Information
Five payments totalling £2,458.50 were APPROVED. Full details are reported in the monthly financial report and on the website. Information
The internal audit is scheduled for June 14th. Information
The Annual Governance statement was received, ACCEPTED  and signed by the Chairman of the meeting. Information
The 2017/18 annual accounts, supporting statement and bank reconciliation were received, ACCEPTED and signed by the Chairman of the meeting. Information
1806-51 Fairport
The Chairman has written to the festival organisers requesting their thoughts on the impact of the new GDPR regulations on data retention with regard to ticket sales and the required proof of identity. Information
1806-52 Administration
The bi-annual Parish Liaison meeting is scheduled for June 20th and this will be attended by some Cllrs and the Clerk. Information
1806-60 Planning applications
New applications Information
18/00735/F, Rock House, Manor Road, GB : an extension to the response deadline has been granted to allow further consideration by Cllrs and a response will be prepared and submitted following a visit to the area. Cllrs & Clerk
Decisions Information
18/00004/F :  8 Uplands Rise, LB APPROVED Information
17/00322/ENFC The enforcement team have now advised that no further action will be taken regarding a breach of planning permission next to Foxden, Crow Lane, GB.  Council will consider the response they have received and determine what, if any, further action is to be taken. Information
1806-70 Correspondence
The letter received from a resident regarding planning matters on sites along the Great Bourton>Cropredy road was considered and specific details will be forwarded to CDC Planning officers for their consideration. Information
1806-80 New business
There was no new business.
1806-90 County Councillors report
An apology having been received from Cllr George Reynolds, there was no update.
1806.91 District Councillors report
Our new District Councillor, Phil Chapman,  attended the meeting and provided an update regarding the issues arising from the events in Northamptonshire CC and the impact this will have on the close working relationship with South Northants DC.  A decision has been taken by CDC that this arrangement should be terminated and new opportunities be explored, with the favoured option being some collaborative working with OCC.  This is being examined in greater detail and more information is expected at the forthcoming Parish Liaison meeting. Information
Date of next meeting : Tuesday July 10th in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at 21:00  hrs
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 15/06/18.

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