DRAFT Minutes of the VIRTUAL meeting held online on Tuesday October 13th 2020 at 19:30 | ||
Note : The Local Authorities & Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority & Police & Crime Panel Meetings) (England & Wales) Regulations 2020 allowed Parish Councils to convene their meetings virtually online. | ||
In attendance online : Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman), Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson; D Drummond, DCllr P Chapman, & S Bowen (Clerk) Apologies : DCllr G Reynolds (business). | ||
Declarations of Interest : None | ||
Public Participation : NO members of the public joined the meeting virtually. | ||
Minutes : The previous Council meetings (September) minutes were received and APPROVED. | ||
Minute ref | Item | Delegated to |
2010-01 | Footpaths – Progress Report | |
2010-01.130 | Damaged stiles on footpath 138/8/30 have been reported by a resident. One of the landowners has been contacted and is investigating. | Information |
2010-02 | Highways & Road defects – Progress Report | |
2010-02.131 | More potholes have been marked up but outstanding repairs remain. Further reports of new potholes have been reported and will be loaded to | Cllr Mrs Upton |
2010-02.132 | It was noted that the verges within the 30mph speed limits do not appear to have been mown in LB and Gt B during August as promised by OCC, this has been reported but OCC confirm cuts were done. Further follow-up with OCC. | Clerk |
2010-02.133 | A response has been received from OCC re annual grant available for cutting of verges inside 30mph limits. Analysis has been completed which differs significantly from the area declared by OCC and further investigation is required. | Clerk |
2010-04 | Defibrillators – Progress Report | |
2010-04.134 | Both units inspected and reported OK. | Information |
2010-05 | Website development – Progress Report. | |
Nothing to report | ||
2010-06 | Projects : Garners Field | |
2010-06.135 | The LAP remains closed and this has been reported to HH; a response on a re-opening date is awaited. | Clerk |
2010-06.136 | A email update has now been received from HH but no action yet on any of the outstanding items. HH have confirmed that the extension of the Hall building warranty requested due to the non-use caused by the pandemic cannot be granted. A letter is to be sent to HH confirming all of the items that remain outstanding and must be fixed before the expiry of the warranty at the end of November. | Clerk |
Projects : Clock restoration | ||
2010-06.137 | The installation of the autowind mechanism has been completed and a confirmation received from Mr Damen that the work was satisfactory. The final invoice has been received and will now be paid. The further contract to renovate the clock face will be deferred, on the advice of the specialist contractor, Smiths of Derby, until the external building repairs to be organised by the PCC, to avoid damage during that process. | Information |
2010-07 | Playgrounds & Public Spaces | |
2010-07.138 | The GB playground has now reopened and the goalposts have been refurbished, thanks to Mr Barrett. Litter comprising mainly bottles and other unmentionables remains a significant problem. | Information |
Users of all our playgrounds are reminded to follow the Covid safety guidance to avoid the spread of infection. | ||
2010-07.139 | Much of the repair work has been completed in the LB playground, thanks to the Chairman, Mr Haynes and Mr Miller for their generous support. The climbing frame nearest the shelter Is taped off as repairs remain to be completed. It is anticipated that the LB playground will reopen shortly. Litter, mainly from snacks and smoking in the shelter here has also been a continual problem during the shut down period. | |
2010-08 | Allotments | Information |
2010-08.140 | The annual rent invoices have been issued and 40% of tenants have already paid representing 52% of projected income, thanks to those who have paid promptly. Reminders will be issued later this week. | Clerk |
2010-09 | Public transport | |
2010-09.141 | A second copy of the signed s106 funding agreement to support community transport has now been received by OCC but they are unable to commit to a date when payment can be expected. A note will be sent to Ability CIC informing them. | Clerk |
2010-10 | Village Hall | |
2010-10.142 | Confirmation has been received from VHMC of the reopening date for the Village Hall. | Information |
2010-10.143 | Badly leaking guttering has been reported and this is being investigated. | Cllr Mrs Upton |
Community Hall: | Information | |
2010-10.144 | The draft lease has still not been received and this is now causing some concern. A letter will be sent to the CHMC Chairman requesting urgent attention to this matter as the tenancy has been in operation for nearly a year. | Clerk |
2010-10.145 | It was RESOLVED that a grit bin will be purchased by the parish council for the CH to provide grit for the access path. | Clerk |
2010-11 | Healthcare | |
2010-10.146 | No update about the future of the Horton hospital was available on this occasion. The Cropredy surgery was commended for the excellent way in which its staff have managed the administering of flu vaccinations for the over 65year old patients. | Information |
2050-50 | Finance & Administration | |
2010-50.147 | The financial report for October including receipts and payments had been previously circulated to Cllrs and was APPROVED. | Information |
2010-50.148 | 9 payments totaling £9,711.05 were APPROVED. To comply with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are listed below: | Information |
SW Services : August mowing : £341.00 | ||
CDC : dog bin emptying : £878.59 | ||
SW Services : July mowing : £515.00 | ||
Norris & Fisher : Parish insurance policy renewal : £1,022.87 Note : no significant increase due to long term agreement. | ||
Smith of Derby : final payment; clock autowind installation : £6,199.20 | ||
SW Services : September mowing : £316.00 | ||
Prysebros Ltd : September weedkill : £294.00 | ||
G Barrett : repainting work at VH and GB playground : 130.00 | ||
2010-50.149 | The insurance premium renewal notice was previously circulated with a recommendation from the Clerk for acceptance. A small increase of £12 was noted due to minor changes in individual excesses. It was RESOLVED that this be accepted. | Clerk |
2010-50.150 | No applications have been received from residents for the 2 vacant Councillor posts. This was noted and concern expressed that with the Chairman resigning in December, we will then have 3 vacancies. Urgent action is required to generate interest in these vacancies; information is available on the website and any interested residents can speak with any Councillor or the Clerk for further information. | Information |
2010-50.151 | OCC are encouraging a review of winter resilience plans. This Parish does not have a formal plan and an approach is to be made to the group who provided support in the early stages of Covid to investigate if they could provide some support if circumstances arose. Concern was expressed whether all potentially vulnerable residents would know who to turn to for help, and whether all those people are known to somebody who could offer help. | Cllr Mrs Upton |
2010-50.152 | A reminder has been received from OALC that a formal Information Publication Scheme must be in place and it was RESOLVED that we adopt the model scheme developed by the Information Commissioner. | Clerk |
2010-50.153 | The Chairman reminded Council that there are pieces of land in our ownership that are not registered. The Government have set a date for all such land in public ownership to be registered with the Land Registry. Work will commence to achieve this as quickly as possible. | Chairman Clerk |
2010-60 | Planning applications | Information |
2010-60.154 | New Applications | |
20/02479/F : Little Bourton Acres, Hanwell Lane, GB : change of use to allow external storage. This was discussed and it was recognised that there are few if any valid planning grounds for objection. Council recognises that this could easily be the start of a significant industrial/storage development in open rural countryside in an exposed position and will review the opportunities for objection. | Clerk & Councillors | |
2010-60.155 | Decisions | Information |
20/01961/EL : provision of electricity to The Stables site : GRANTED | ||
20/02060/F : The Stables, Main Street, GB : change of use to residential gypsy/traveller caravan site : REFUSED | ||
Enforcement matters – no updates. | Information | |
19/00161/ENFC : Sharawle, Main Street, GB : this matter continues to be reviewed by CDC and action is awaited. | ||
2010-50.156 | 20/00345/MON : Land east of South View : 3 bungalow development : complaints made regarding flooding caused by groundworks. and also the removal of a mature hedge that was subject to a specific planning condition : extensive exchange of emails has confirmed that an arrangement has been reached with the landowner on both matters. Council discussed this extensively and it was RESOLVED that a letter be sent to CDC expressing our dissatisfaction with the handling of this matter. | Cllr Mrs Upton & Cllrs |
20010-70 | Correspondence | |
2010-70.157 | Communication received from OCC re arrangements for Remembrance Day. It was confirmed that the PCC has received guidance from the Bishop/Diocese and this will be followed. | Cllr Mrs Upton |
2010-70.158 | The CDC Parish Liaison meeting will be held virtually on November 11th. We await joining instructions but if any resident has a ideas for questions to be submitted please contact one of your Councillors or the Clerk | Information |
2009-80 | New business | |
No other new business was discussed. | ||
2009-90/91 | County & District Councillors report | |
2010-90/91.159 | DCllr Chapman updated Council on matters related to current planning applications and enforcement matters. | Information |
Date of next meeting : Tuesday NOVEMBER 10th at 7.30pm as a virtual meeting unless current guidance is changed. | ||
Meeting closed at 20:50 | ||
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 14/10/20. |
Minutes of the October Parish Council Meeting
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