DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall, Great Bourton on Tuesday October 8th 2019 at 19:30 | ||
Present : Cllr Mrs S E Leszczynski (Chairman), Cllrs Mrs S Upton, A Johnson, C Upton, D Walker, D Drummond | ||
In attendance : S Bowen (Clerk) DCllr Reynolds, DCllr Webb Apologies : DCllr P Chapman (business), | ||
Declarations of Interest : None | ||
Public Participation : There were 3 members of the public in attendance. | ||
Minutes : The previous Council meetings (September) minutes were received and APPROVED. | ||
Minute ref | Item | Delegated to |
Public participation | Discussion held regarding the planning application submitted by Mr Lombard regarding land behind School Lane. Residents again presented their views and advised that they had opened a petition which was signed by approx 80 residents. They have submitted their objections to CDC. Council was asked what its view regarding the offer of adjacent land for use as a Community orchard was and they were advised that full consideration of this application would take place later in the meeting as per the agenda. | Information |
1910-01 | Footpaths – Progress Report | |
1910-01.163 | Due to illness the footpaths are still not being reported on regularly so residents are encouraged to report any concerns directly to a Councillor or the Clerk. | Information |
1910-02 | Highways & Road defects – Progress Report | |
1910-02.164 | The repairs promised by OCC for Crow Lane have not started so this will be chased up. Drainage issues in Spring Lane had been reported | Cllr Mrs Upton |
1910-02.165 | Data will be assembled to enable quotes to be obtained for additional verge mowing next year. | Clerk |
1910-04 | Defibrillators – Progress Report | |
1910-04.166 | Both machines inspected and no defects reported. | Information |
1910-05 | Website development – Progress Report. | |
1910-05.167 | Work continues to finalise the new Community Hall pages and make the booking calendar available. | Cllr Mrs Upton |
1910-06 | Garners Field development – Progress Report | |
1910-06.168 | It was RESOLVED that the request from CDC to adopt the new LAP will be accepted once CDC have confirmed it has received the RoSPA inspection report and transferred the commuted sum for ongoing maintenance, and all relevant documentation. | Information |
1910-07 | Playgrounds & Public Spaces | |
1910-07.169 | GB : inspected and no litter. Grass very long [possibly due to recent wet weather] and some overhanging branches behind goal area require attention. Will be reported to our contractor. | Clerk |
1910-07.170 | LB : inspected and no litter but evidence still accumulating of potentially illegal substance use. This will again be reported to the local PCSO and follow up requested. | Clerk |
1910-07-171 | Following the recent RoSPA annual inspections a report will be created and quotes requested from suitable contractors for remediation of the minor faults reported. | Clerk |
1910-07-172 | The byelaw application some time ago appears to have been lost by DCLG and will be resubmitted to the new Department for Communities and Housing. . | Clerk |
1910-08 | Allotments | |
1910-08.173 | Annual plot rents are due this month and invoices will be issued to all tenants. | Clerk |
1910-09 | Public transport | |
1910-09.174 | A meeting was held with Mr J Charlton of OCC regarding the possibility of using the s106 Garners Field development contribution to utilise a new Community Transport service. This was productive and a further meeting is scheduled later this month with a potential provider. | Information |
1910-10 | Village & Community Hall | |
1910-10.175 | A meeting was held with the VHMC where they confirmed it was the intention of 5 of their 6 trustees to not stand again. The Treasurer advised that he had consulted the Charity Commission and understood that a public meeting was required to communicate this and seek new trustees to enable the Hall to continue operating. This will be held on October 23rd. | Information |
1910-10.176 | It was RESOLVED that the earlier decision to not authorise exchange of the legal transfer document woud be rescinded now that the grounds issue is resolved and commitments have been received that other matters will be quickly dealt with. | Clerk |
1910-10.177 | It was AGREED that an initial order for heating oil would be placed to ensure adequate volume is maintained. | Clerk |
1910-11 | Healthcare | |
1910-11.178 | Announcement received confirming that the Horton maternity unit is to remain as midwife lead. It is understood that this decision will now be referred back to the Secretary of State. | Information |
1910-11-179 | The patient list at Cropredy Surgery has now reopened for new patients following the return of Dr Galt. | Information |
1910-50 | Finance & Administration | |
1910-50.180 | The financial statement for October including receipts and payments was circulated to Cllrs and was APPROVED. | Information |
1909-50.181 | 5 payments totaling £908.64 were APPROVED. To comply with the requirements of the Transparency Code those in excess of £100 are listed below: | Information |
Burial Warden fee : £125.00 | ||
Churchyard maintenance : £312.50 | ||
SW Services : September mowing : £175.00 | ||
Prysebros Ltd : Bi-annual weedkill treatment : £294.00 | ||
1909-50.182 | Fees paid to the Burial Warden and for Churchyard maintenance were reviewed and it was RESOLVED that, there being no increase in the previous 4 years these would be increased to £275 and £700 annually respectively from April 2020 | Information |
1910-50.183 | The Clerk’s working time analysis was reviewed and it was RESOLVED that as more than 30 hours/month had been committed over the past 6 months the monthly salary would be increased from 25 hrs/month to 30 hrs/month, at the next quarterly payment. | Information |
1910-50.184 | A review of the Poors Land Trust continues to ensure that best practice is being followed. | Information |
1910-50.185 | It was RESOLVED that the offer of a 3 year fee hold offered by the internal auditor be accepted and the requested letter of appointment will now be signed and returned. | Information |
1910-50.186 | The annual Parish insurance premium was reviewed. A competitive quote from our previous broker [Came & Co] had been received and as Norris & Fisher were significantly cheaper it was RESOLVED to accept their offer and take advantage of a 3 year price-fix deal. | Clerk |
1910-50-187 | The bi-annual dog bin emptying invoice has been received from CDC who have included a new administration fee, imposed without advance notice, preventing efficient budgeting. It was RESOLVED that the invoice would be paid less the admin fee. | Clerk |
1910-60 | ||
1910-60.188 | Planning applications | |
19/01808/F : Fernhill Estates : 3 dormer bungalows, land behind School Lane, GB. This was discussed during the Public Participation session [see above] and considered by Council, who felt that the restricted access off School Lane created a potentially dangerous situation. Other issues were considered and it was RESOLVED that Council would submit an objection to the application on these grounds. | Clerk | |
19/01217/F : Mr J Breslin, Sharawle, Main Street, GB : Porch, loft conversion & dormers plus retrospective element. This was discussed by Council who felt that the breach of the earlier planning application should not be corrected by the retrospective element of this application, and that an objection should be lodged on this basis. | Clerk | |
Decisions | ||
No new decisions have been received. | Information | |
Enforcement matters | ||
1910-60.189 | The advice received from CDC Planning Enforcement that the potential sewerage connection was not subject to planning permission was noted, and it was PROPOSED that this matter be queried again with Thames Water. | Cllr Mrs Upton |
1909-70 | Correspondence | |
1910-70.190 | The request for a contribution increase by the editor of the Bourton Broadsheet was considered and it was RESOLVED that the annual contribution be increased to £170.00. | Clerk |
1910-70.191 | The launch document circulated by OCC regarding the Connecting Oxford strategy was noted. | Information |
1909-80 | New business | |
1910-80.192 | Information received from OCC Highways that Station Road, at the Railway Bridge,on the boundary with Cropredy is to be closed for the period from November 4th to November 22nd to facilitate bridge repairs. | Information |
1909-90 | County & District Councillors report | |
1910-90.193 | DCllr Reynolds confirmed that he had requested that the planning application from Fernhill Estates had been called in to committee. | Information |
1910-90-194 | DCllr Webb advised that he would mention the importance of giving Parishes advance notice of charge increases to enable efficient budgeting when he attended the CDC budget meeting. He also drew to this councils attention that the regular CDC Parish Liaison Meeting was to be held on Wed 13th November. | Information |
Date of next meeting : Tuesday November 12th at 7.30pm in the Community Hall. | ||
Meeting closed at 22:30 hrs | ||
Minutes drafted by the Clerk on 09/10/19. |
Parish Council Meeting – October
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