A working group was formed in early 2022 to put together a proposal for the Bourtons Parish Council to agree to our two villages formally becoming a Wildlife Friendly Community. Our proposal was passed at their meeting of 12.4.22.
Excerpts of the document are below, and the whole document can be emailed to anyone who is interested by asking annbrooks100@gmail.com
What is A Wildlife Friendly Community?
There are a growing number of small towns and villages across the UK who loosely belong to this new endeavour; the nearest village which I know of is Tysoe in Warwickshire.
This group of villages and towns have adopted a very basic policy (see main document), they share good practice, information, research, and funding opportunities. They try to meet the targets set by district and county councils regarding biodiversity etc.
Most of the land in the Bourtons is owned by householders, so we wish to build up a network of wild areas on both public and private land to benefit wildlife and residents.
The Parish Council and the WFC working group will identify potential areas for wildflowers and encouragement of wildlife:
- Verges – identify verges along each road in the Parish where wildflowers can be sown. Which should be mown regularly for highways safety? Which could be left alone as a ‘wild area’ and notify Oxfordshire County Council regarding this. No residents will be forced to change the appearance of their verges, but information on why it might be beneficial to leave some of them wilder can be provided.
- Entrance to GB and LB – scope for wildflower banks, spring bulb, and primrose planting. Look at possibilities in other parts of the parish such as the Greens, Burial Ground, playgrounds.
The Parish Council will support the efforts of the Bourtons WFC Working Group
The above proposals and resulting actions will need organisation but no PC funding. The WFC Working Group will be supported by the Parish Council with our nominated Parish Councillor, Gilly Duckworth, who will help us champion change. This group will be made up of residents in the parish who are interested in helping to make the Bourtons a Wildlife Friendly Community. From this group we will be able to set up working parties of residents to provide any labour required. The WFC Working Group will be responsible for finding grants for any projects, or we will raise funds ourselves.
We will launch the WFC at Wildlife Day #2 on Saturday June 25th 2022 which is being held at All Saints Church, Great Bourton.
Ann Brooks, on behalf of the WFC Working Group: Clare Curnow, Philippa Days, Kate Drummond, Jane Foster Smith, Amanda Gibbard Atherton, Kaye Johnston, Anna Morton, Sue Ong, and Debbie Young.
April 2022